Configuration options
of the ServiceRouterV3
• Response telegram of the server must be able to reach Router (firewall settings of the customer network)
• A valid certificate is required
• Time has to be set correctly
• IP address range of the LAN side of the Router and the service network of the Server have to be identical, for
example RouterIP:, ServerIP:, SPSIP
8.2.2. HTTP Proxy Server
Click the checkbox in order to use a web proxy.
Precondition for the use of proxy functionality is the use of TCP as transport protocol for OpenVPN!
If the eurogard ServiceServer to be used is configured as an HTTP proxy, the required parameters are set by the
Router via the access file, so that the user does not have to pay any further attention to these options. If this is not
the case, and the Router is to explicitly use the services of a web proxy, enter at least IP and port, if necessary also
authentication data. These details must be obtained from the proxy administrator.
The external proxy server can only be used if the VPN server is operated neither in proxy mode nor in
S-tunnel mode, otherwise the fields of a certificate are filled automatically during upload.
8.3. OpenVPN Server
8.3.1. DHCP range for VPN clients
Since the OpenVPN software in the server allocates an IP to each client and since IPs can never be double-allocated,
the IP range must be customised in accordance with your requirements.
Please note that the server also allocates IP addresses via the LAN. The areas from which addresses are assigned
must not overlap since this will inevitably result in breakdowns and inaccessibility of clients.
Default: from
8.3.2. VPN Transport protocol
UDP or TCP may be selected as transport protocols. Mixed mode is not supported.
Default: UDP
8.3.3. Port
Enter the port to access the VPN server process of the Router.
It may be necessary to change this port, depending on the requirements of the customer network.
Default: 1194
8.3.4. Enable client to client connections
This option controls intercommunication of the VPN clients within one service network.
Default: on
8.3.5. Limit VPN packet size
Since the packet size of 1500 Bytes must not be exceeded in the IP networks used in this context, the size of
the packets sent through the tunnel can be limited. This is carried out entirely transparently through the VPN
application and undetected by the rest of the software.