3. USB port
In order to connect the charger to a PC, use a micro USB cable with an extended plug of
8mm or 9mm.
Log loading access
Note: USB connection to the computer should be made when the charger is not
charging the unicycle. Otherwise, the currently saved file - the loading log may be
corrupted and will not be readable.
After connecting the charger to the computer via the USB port, the device will be available
as a flash drive. Files with the csv extension from the loading process are stored on the
disk. One file contains data from a single loading process. Each file has a sequential
number indicating the number of all charging cycles that the charger has made so far.
You can import a CSV file into an Excel spreadsheet or LibreOffice Calc. The sign
separating the columns is tab. For analyzing logs, you can use our chart generator
available at:
King Song Poland
extended plug