EtherWAN Series Router Hardware Installation Guide
Power Management
Power Management
Power Modes
The EtherWAN router has three operating power modes:
Standard Mode
Ignition Mode
Smart Standby Mode
Standard Mode
When power is applied to the router, it will power up. All inputs are ignored (from a power
up per-spective). This is the default.
Ignition Mode
Configurable time delay for shutdown / start based on vehicle status
This mode monitors the ignition input and goes in and out of Standby mode based on the
voltage of the ignition input. When the voltage on the ignition input goes below a set pre-
defined threshold, the router will be powered down into Standby mode. When the voltage
on the ignition input goes above the Router’s pre-defined value it will return to normal
operating mode (Wakeup).
Smart Standby Mode
You can configure a combination of one or two user defined conditions to determine when
the router is powered up and when it goes into Standby mode.