ShowCUBE™ DMX RGBWA+UV Eternal Lighting
Updated 01/2015
Lens Kit: Spot Lens
The ShowCUBE includes a set of 10 Spot Lenses. To install the Spot Lens you
can unscrew the outer ring on the top of each head on the ShowCUBE. Then
take out the WASH Lens that is installed when you receive the ShowCUBE. The
direction of the Spot Lens is very important. The smooth side goes inside
towards the LED and the grooved side goes outwards. Then screw on the outer
ring to the head of the ShowCUBE.
Remote Functions:
ON/OFF turn on/off the light, if you don’t need the light for a while, you could press OFF to
save power
PRO Press to activate Auto or Fade program, press UP or DOWN to choose program (1-10)
SOU sound active mode press UP or Down to chose sound active mode 1 or 2
STRO strobe mode, press UP or DOWN to choose speed
SPEE speed for Auto or Fade program, press UP or DOWN to choose speed (1 slow-8 fast)
MAST master mode
SLAV slave mode
CH addr / channel
FULL all leds light up
SHUT all leds turn off
Red red color
GREE green color BLUE blue color
WHIT white color AMBE amber color PINK pink color
ORG orange/yellow color GYAN cyan color PURP purple/UV color