ETEL Doc.- Hardware Manual # DSC2P / Ver H / 6/1/11
DSC2P Hardware Manual
DSC2P presentation
Working principle
The DSC2P is a digital position controller. It has been designed for direct drive applications. Its power bridge
PWM switching is determined by the motor position encoder. The DSC2P includes on a single board, the
control circuits, the power bridge and all the necessary interfaces for the communication, the encoders and the
inputs/outputs. The housed format includes also a power supply on the same board, inside the same housing.
The DSC2P can drive single-phase,
two-phase and three-phase motors. You can obtain brushless torque and
linear motors from ETEL, as well as moving coils and moving magnets. The DSC2P can drive these motors
and also brushless motors, DC motors, steppers. They must also be implemented with analog (incremental or
absolute (EnDat 2.1)) or TTL encoders available on the market. Digital Hall effect sensor can also be connected
to the controller.
General operating conditions
The DSC2P is designed to operate in a non-aggressive and clean environment, with a humidity rate ranging
between 10% and 85%, an altitude < 2000m (6562 ft), and a temperature ranging b15°C (59°F) and
+40°C (104°F) for the rack format or +30°C (86°F) for the housed format. The DSC2P must be connected to
an electrical network of overvoltage category 2 (refer to EN 50178 and UL 840 standards for more information)
and is suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more than 5000 Arms, symmetrical amperes, 400
volts maximum. The electronics must be in an enclosure respecting a pollution degree of 2 (refer to UL 508C
and EN 50178 standards for more information).
The DSC2P is not designed or intended for use in the on-line control of air traffic, aircraft navigation and
communications as well as critical components in life support systems or in the design, construction, operation
and maintenance of any nuclear facility.
Transport and storage conditions
During the transport and the storage, the controller must remain inside its original packaging. The transport
conditions must respect the class 2K3 of the IEC 60721-3-2 standard (temperature between -25°C and +70°C,
and humidity < 95% without condensation) and the storage conditions must respect the class 1K2 of the IEC
60721-3-1 standard (temperature b5°C and +45°C, and humidity between 5 and 85% without
Interfaces possibilities
Motor and its position encoder
To control the position of a rotary or linear motor, the DSC2P needs a signal coming from an analog
(incremental or absolute (EnDat 2.1)) or a TTL encoder linked to this motor.
The user can set the DSC2P with a PC (Win 9x/2000/NT/XP) using the ETEL Tools (ETT) software through
the ETEL-Bus-Lite2 (RS232 / RS422) communication port. Refer to the
'EBL2 Communication Manual'
more information.
The DSC2P also includes ETEL's Turbo-ETEL-Bus (TEB) which is a high speed field bus based on an Ethernet
100 Mbps chip. It includes all features to interpolate complex movements with several synchronized DSC2Ps,
if ETEL's DSMAX motion controller is installed in a PC and linked to the TEB. If ETEL Tools is installed on the
same PC than the DSMAX (or DSTEB) board, all the DSC2Ps can be set through the TEB. The user can 'daisy
chain' up to 32 nodes on the TEB (31 DSC2Ps and one DSMAX (or DSTEB) board or 31 DSC2Ps with one of
them in
-master mode).
TEB is not compatible with Ethernet
boards available on the market. Therefore, do not
connect the TEB on the Ethernet port of your PC.
Inputs / outputs
The customer's inputs / outputs are digital and/or analog signals coming from a CNC machine-tool, a PLC or
a joystick for example (refer to the connection diagram next page).
The electrical interface details are given in
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