Functional Description
ES441.1 - User Guide
“X1”, “X2” and “X4” Counter Modes
Every measurement channel can be assigned any other measurement channel
of the module as a qualifying channel (trigger channel) in the counter modes
“X1”, “X2” and “X4”.
Some counter parameters are set by default when using the counter modes
“X1”, “X2” and “X4” and cannot be changed in the calibration software.
Depending on the selected counter mode, the input signal of the qualifying
channel is evaluated and measurement controlled at the assigned measure
ment channel.
In this mode, the ES441.1 can count edges with the following additional mea
surement modes:
Up-/down-counter with control of the count direction in acc. with
• the edges of the qualifying signal (counter mode “X1”),
• the edges of the qualifying signal (counter mode “X2”), and
• the edges of the qualifying signal with analysis of the qualifying signal
(counter mode “X4”).
When to use the counter modes “X1”, “X2” and “X4”
• Coding/encoding digital signals
• Use in digital control circuits with movement control and digital data
input systems
• Quadrature functions
• Linear or rotary incremental quadrature encoder
• Digital potentiometers
“X1” Counter Mode
In counter mode “X1”, the ES441.1 is configured as an up-/down-counter with
the count direction being controlled by comparing the state of the signals at the
measurement channel and the qualifying channel (trigger channel). The active-
inactive edges are counted at the measurement channel:
• The counter is incremented when there are inactive-active edges at the
measurement channel and the states of the measurement channel and
qualifying channel differ,
• decremented when there are inactive-active edges at the measurement
channel and the states of the measurement channel and qualifying
channel are identical,
In the calibration software, the type of counter resetting can be selected for this
counter mode:
• Resetting the counter after every sampling point or
• Counter in Free Running Mode (no resetting of the counter).