Revised: 9 Sep 11
Stop Bits
Select the number of stop bits on the RS-232 connection to match your serial device.
Select the parity of the RS-232 connection to match your serial device.
Flow Control
Select the type of data flow control used on the RS-232 connection. The ESTeem can support Hardware flow control
(RTS/CTS control lines) or Software Flow Control (XON/XOFF). Select None if no serial flow control is necessary.
Maximum Bridge Links for Multicast Packets
This value sets the maximum number of Ethernet bridge links that the multicast packets will be sent through when
used in a multi-point system. A multi-point serial network uses multicast packets (UDP) to send the data to more than
one remote ESTeem. You want to limit the number of network bridge links that these UDP packets will be passed
through to make the network more efficient.
If you are using multiple ESTeem repeater links to send the serial data to remote locations, the value for the maximum
bridge link needs to be increased to a number greater than the longest repeater chain. For example, if you are using
four repeater (peer) links to send the serial data between two or more sites the number will need to be five (5) or
greater (Figure 4).
Destination IP Address
The ESTeem configured for the correct destination IP and port number will send and receive the serial data from
another modem. Set the destination IP address for the ESTeem where the serial data will be sent. If sending to more
than one ESTeem (Multipoint) set to a multicast address (i.e
Note: If you are using the ESTeem 195Ea in a multipoint application (multicast), you must have default
Gateway configured in the ESTeem set to the IP address of the Root Bridge modem.
Serial IP Port Number
The ESTeem configured for the correct destination IP and port number will send and receive the serial data from
another modem. Set the IP port numbers to match where the serial data will be sent. The serial data will not be sent if
both the IP address and port number is not correct.
Maximum Packet Size
This number represents the maximum size of the serial data packet in bytes. If the number of bytes of data in the serial
port buffer exceeds the maximum packet size before the timer or delimiter character is reached, the ESTeem will send
forward the serial packet. For example, if the maximum packet size is set to a value of 100, when the serial port
receives 100 bytes the data will be sent through the wireless connection.
Number of Milliseconds for Packetization
This number represents the time the ESTeem will hold data in the serial data buffer before sending to the remote
ESTeem. This feature is generally used if the serial data does not have a consistent packet length or delimiter
character. For example, if the number of milliseconds is set to a value of 10 the ESTeem will monitor the incoming
serial data stream and any break in characters longer than 10 milliseconds will cause the data will be sent through the
wireless connection.
Delimiter Characters
Enabling and specifying a delimiter character will transmit the data in the serial buffer when the delimiter character is
recognized in the serial data stream. There are two unique delimiter characters that can be configured and enabled
Terminal Server Control Lines
Enabling this feature will allow the ESTeem in the Terminal Server mode to read and generate modem control lines to
the connected device.