Revised: 6 Sep 11
3. By default, the ENC Utility sets all ESTeem modems in AP Bridge
mode. To change the Plant Router ESTeem to AP Router mode,
double-click on the icon to bring up the ESTeem Summary window
and press the Edit button (Figure 20).
4. Change the Mode of Operation from AP Bridge to AP Router
(or Masquerade if desired) and press the Next button at the bottom
of the window (Figure 21).
5. Continue through the configuration screens setting the AP
Router addressing to match the IP address ranges for your
network. For help with setting the router addressing please
refer to Router Address Examples later in this chapter. You
will end on the screen in Figure 22. Press the Finish button to
return to the configuration page.
6. Verify all ESTeem modems are connected to the same switch
as the computer running the ENC Utility and send the
configuration to all modems at the same time by selecting
ESTeem>ESTeem Configuration>Send Configuration to All
ESTeems. Once the ENC Utility has downloaded the
configuration for both ESTeem 195Eas, the status box around
the ESTeems will change from yellow to blue. This indicates
that the configuration was completed successfully and the
ESTeem 195Eas are ready to be installed in the application.
Figure 21: AP Router Configuration
Figure 20: ESTeem Summary Page
Figure 22: ESTeem Summary Page