Revised: 6 Sep 11
Ethernet Bridge Mode Example 1 (Figure 1)
Point to Point Ethernet Bridge
(2) ESTeem Model 195Ea
Serial Numbers: E-14000 (Main Office) and E-14001 (Remote Office)
1. Add the two ESTeem Model 195Eas to the network using the above procedure. Once both ESTeem 195Eas
are on the configuration page, create a
wireless link by clinking on one of the two
connection boxes and dragging a line to the
other modem (Figure 10).
5. Verify both ESTeem modems are connected
to the same switch as the computer running
the ENC Utility and send the configuration to
both modems at the same time by selecting
ESTeem>ESTeem Configuration>Send
Configuration to All ESTeems (Figure 11).
6. Once the ENC Utility has downloaded the
configuration for both ESTeem 195Eas, the
status box around the ESTeems will change
from yellow to blue. This indicates that the
configuration was completed successfully
and the ESTeem 195Ea’s are ready to be
installed in the application.
Figure 10: Create Wireless Link
Figure 11: Send Configuration to ESTeems