Revised: 9 Sep 11
Mode of Operation
There are two distinct modes of operation for the serial port in the 195Ea. The Redirector mode will provide two-way
serial communication between two or more serial devices, while the Terminal Server mode will allow serial
communication to a specific remote site by connecting through telnet or SSH. Select one of the following modes of
Full Redirector Mode - This mode allows bi-directional RS-232 data communication with other ESTeem Model 195Ea’s.
The RS-232 data transmission will appear transparent to the connected devices as if a serial cable is connected
between the two ports. This mode will also be used in a multi-point serial network were all serial devices will need bi-
directional communication (Figure 7).
Terminal Server Mode - This mode of operation translates RS-232 serial data into a network-oriented terminal protocol,
such as telnet or SSH. This mode would be selected if an interactive RS-232 session at remote locations is desired
over the wireless Ethernet link.
Baud Rate
Select the data rate of the RS-232 connection to match your serial device.
Data Bits
Select the number of data bits on the RS-232 connection to match your serial device.
Figure 7: Serial Full Redirector Example