Control Board Overview
Do not r un 110V AC power dir ect to the boar d. This will cause per manent damage to
both boards and void your warrantee.
- Upper left hand corner of board, used for power and back up power.
VAC - terminals
. The input ter minals for the supplied 24V transformer. Polarity is not
an issue for this terminal.
+BAT, -BAT - terminals
. Input terminals for the optional backup batteries. The battery
power coming in must be 24V DC. This can be achieved by running two 12V batteries (Max
5 a/h per battery) in series. During normal operation, the unit keeps the batteries charged and
the batteries begin operating the unit if no power is being supplied through terminals VAC.
Observe polarity on these terminals.
+24, -24 - terminals
. Accessories needing constant 24V power should be attached to these
terminals following the correct polarity. (Example: Alternate receiver, exit wand)
Continued on following page.