The cooker weighs 350kg (786lbs) approx. The floor must be solid and level.
Electrical Supply
An electrical supply from an adjacent fused spur is required. 230/250 volts AC50Hz. Fuse rating
3 amps. One cable is supplied, which is live into programmer (black cable), see Wiring Diagrams.
A 3 channel pre-wired programmer is incorporated into the cooker.
Oil Supply
The cooker is supplied for use only on Commercial Kerosene. 28 sec to BS 2869: 1983 Class C2.
Incoming oil supply should not be less than 10mm copper. The L.H. side panel can be removed for
access to the fitting (Fig 3). A tiger loop system may be used if required.
A supply of air is necessary for correct combustion via a purpose made air brick or grid. The minimum
effective air requirement for the appliance is as specified in the Technical Data Section (Page 3).
It should be noted that the cooker will emit a certain amount of convected heat and ventilation
arrangements should allow for this.
Where an extract fan is provided to vent the room of cooking smells, steam, etc, arrangements must be
made to avoid any possibility of reversing the flow in the chimney. Arrangements for ventilation must
always comply with any local by-laws or Code of Practice relevant to the installation.
Chimney / Flueing Arrangement
The flue box is suitable for 125mm (5”) cast iron smoke pipe to BS 41. Either top or rear connection is
achieved by fitting the blanking plate supplied. The flue should run into a chimney of not less than 125mm
(5”) internal diameter.
A conventional chimney should not be less than 125mm (5”) internal diameter. A continuous flexible
metallic liner (min 125mm (5”) diameter) suitable for oil, must be used to line an existing chimney.
Alternatively a clay liner to BS 1181 may be used.
A proprietary, fabricated chimney should conform to BS 4343. The minimum flue height should be 4.75m
(15’). In all cases the chimney should conform to relevant Building Regulations.
If on commissioning the appliance a minimum flue draught of 1.02mm (0.04”) w.g. cannot be
achieved (due to local topographic conditions) a fan flue system may be required.
Water Systems & Wiring Diagrams
As the heat conducted from the oven to the hot water system is negligible, either a fully pumped system or
a pumped central heating and gravity hot water system may be used in accordance with current regulations.
Power Flush Water Systems
If the century is to be fitted onto an existing water system then it must be power flushed prior to the
commissioning of the unit and inhibitor re-added. Failure to carry out this operation will seriously affect
boiler performance and negate any warranty claim.
The cooker is factory wired to suit heating and hot water at the same time, using only 2 channels of the
programmer (figs 4, 5 & 6). If hot water is required to be programmed separately from the central heating, the
3rd channel of the programmer is used (fig 5a). The relevant stickers supplied should be fitted to the programmer.
Commission the programmer as described in figs 3a & 3b. Typical systems are shown in Figs. 4, 5, 5A, 6 & 6A.
The water system and the electrical wiring system used must be in accordance with current regulations.
The following general points should be noted:
1) An indirect system is essential in all cases. Cylinder capacity should not be less than 136 litres (30 gallons).
2) The tappings are 1”BSP. Connection may be made through the left-hand side panel. The flow tapping
must be 28mm (1.09”) pipe and any reduction made on a rising section of the piping.
3) Water circuit layout must follow establishedheating practice. The cooker must be level when fitted and
the primary flow and return pipes must rise from the boiler. A drain cock must be fitted at the lowest
point of the circuit and a permanent vent to atmosphere provided at the highest point.
4) The cylinder and pipe work must be insulated to avoid heat losses.
5) The system pressure must not exceed 2 Bar, and be fitted with a pressure release valve.
6) The maximum water temperature is 90°C.
7) Water capacity of boiler is 14.5litres (3.2 gals).
General Location
A 7mm air gap should be left either side of the black enamel top from combustable surfaces.
The location of the cooker must have:-
1) Sufficient room for the installation. (Fig. 1)
2) A satisfactory flue.
3) Adequate air supply.
5) Access for oil connection and fire valve.
4) Solid floor or base capable of supporting the
total weight.
The points above are covered in more detail below.
: For the burner to function correctly, a steady chimney draught not exceeding 2.5mm (0.10”)
w.g. and not less than 1.02mm (0.04”) w.g. is required. The draught should be assessed with a reliable
manometer after running both burners at a high control setting for at least thirty minutes. Down draught
cannot be tolerated and arrangements must be made to overcome this condition where it occurs. Flue
pipe connection should be made with good quality fire cement to make sure of an airtight seal between
the flue box and the flue pipe. Any soot door, register plate etc, must also be sealed to form an airtight
joint. Three schematic diagrams of installation methods are shown in Fig. 4, 5, 5a, 6 and 6a but
modifications may be made to suit site requirements. In all cases, however, the important principle that
no air must enter the chimney except through the inlets provided on the cooker, must be adhered to.
The preferred option is to connect the flue liner direct to the flue pipe to ensure good seals.
The following general points should be noted:
1) The fabric of the chimney must be sound and the internal surface smooth and free from obstructions.
Any air leaks and bad joints must be rectified.
2) The chimney should be terminated in such a manner to prevent ingress of rain.
3) The chimney must serve the cooker alone and not be shared with any other appliance.
4) External flues of asbestos or cast iron pipe must not be used. Excessive exposure will result in heat
loss and poor performance.
5) Provision should be made for means of sweeping.
6) The maximum water temperature is 90°C.
7) Water capacity of boiler is 14.5litres (3.2 gals).