Electrical connections
General instructions
• It is for bid den to plug or un plug con nec tors with vol ta ge applied
• At tach in put and out put wi res to the con nec tors only wi thout vol ta ges
• Cords must be pro vi ded with slee ves
• At ten ti on must be paid that the po wer supply vol ta ge applied will
agree with vol ta ge no ti ced at the name pla te.
• The in stru ment has no po wer- on switch, so it will be in ope ra ti on as
soon as the po wer is con nec ted.
Hints against noisy environment
All in puts and out puts are pro tec ted against noisy en vi ron ment and high vol ta ge
spikes. Ne vert he less the lo ca ti on should be se lec ted to en su re that no ca pa ci ti ve or
in duc ti ve in ter fe rence can have an ef fect on the in stru ment or the con nec tion li nes.
It is ad visab le:
• To use shiel ded cables.
• The wi ring of shields and ground (0V) should be star- sha ped.
• The di stan ce to in ter fe rence sour ces should be as long as pos si ble. If
ne cessa ry, pro tec ti ve scre en or me tal en clo su res must be pro vi ded.
• Coils of re lays must be supp lied with fil ters.
• Par al lel wi ring of in put si gnals and AC po wer li nes should be avoi -
ERMA-Electronic GmbH
4. Electrical connections