Procedure of programming
The pro ce du re of pro gram ming is or ga nized in se veral dif fe rent steps.
Ac cess to the se lec tion of the pro gram ming levels
• Pres sing push but ton
=> ac cess- code en ter is ac ti ve
• The dis play shows “c000"
• Chan ging the ac cess- code by pres sing the push but ton
and con firm
the chan ged ac cess- code by pres sing the push but ton
If the en te red ac cess- code is not cor rect, the in stru ment will jump back to the sta te
“ope ra ti on level”.
Changing or controlling parameters
Ac ti vating the pro gram ming rou ti ne
• Pres sing push but ton
• LED 3 flashs green
• The dis play shows “c000"
• Chan ging the ac cess- code by pres sing the push but ton
• Con firm ac cess- code by pres sing the push but ton
• The dis play shows “P-00"
Lea ving the pro gram ming rou ti ne
• Pres sing the push but ton
un til the dis play shows “PEnd”
• Con firm the dis play “PEnd” by pres sing the push but ton
• LED 3 is off
• The ac ti ve sta te of the pa nel me ter is “ope ra ti on level”
Se lec tion of the pro gram ming level
• Se lec ting the pro gram ming level by pres sing the push but ton
• Con firm the pro gram ming level by pres sing the push but ton
• The dis play shows the num ber of the pa ra me ter of the se lec ted pro gram ming level
For ex amp le: “0-00" => pa ra me ter 0 of the pro gram ming level 0
For ex amp le: ”2-00" => pa ra me ter 0 of the pro gram ming level 2
ERMA-Electronic GmbH
8. Procedure of programming