Safety instructions
This in stru ment is pro du ced in ac cor dan ce with Class II of IEC 348 and VDE 0411.
When de li vered the in stru ment has been te sted to meet all func ti ons descri bed. Be fo -
re in stal ling the in stru ment plea se read the moun ting and ser vicing in struc ti ons.
We have no lia bi li ty or re spon si bi li ty to cu sto mer or any other per son or en ti ty with re -
spect to any lia bi li ty, loss or da ma ge cau sed or al le ged to be cau sed di rectly or
in di rectly by equip ment or soft ware sold or fur nis hed by us. Read the in stal la ti on in -
struc tion ca re ful ly. No lia bi li ty will be as su med for any da ma ge cau sed by im pro per
in stal la ti on.
In spect the in stru ment mo du le car ton for ob vious da ma ge. Be shu re the re are no
ship ping and han ding da mages on the mo du le be fo re pro ces sing. Do not apply po -
wer to the in stru ment if it has been da ma ged.
ER MA’s war ran ty does not apply to de fects re sul ting from ac tion of the buy er, such as
mis hand ling, im pro per in ter facing, ope ra ti on out si de of de sign li mits, im pro per re pair
or un au tho ri zed mo di fi ca tions.
Symbol explanation
Cau ti on:
Will be used at
dan ge rous for life and health !
At ten ti on:
Will cau se
da ma ge
In struc tion:
If not no ti ced,
may oc cur
Use ful hints for
bet ter ope ra ti on
ERMA-Electronic GmbH
2. Safety instructions