systolic pressure: is the medical term for the phase of the pumping
process in which the heart contracts and ejects blood (systole
(Greek) = to contract).
diastolic pressure: the diastolic blood pressure value represents
the lowest pressure in the vascular system, a base pressure, to
which the vessels are permanently exposed [diastole (Greek) =
to expand].
mean arterial pressure: the mean arterial blood pressure is the
mean blood pressure, i.e. the mean blood pressure independent
of the systolic and diastolic fluctuations in the vascular system.
pulse frequency: the pulse frequency refers to the number of pulses
for a specific unit of time (generally 1 minute). The pulse frequency
generally corresponds to the heart rate.
If several blood pressure measurement values are displayed in the
results screen, the result of the first measurement is displayed under
letter A and the result of the second measurement is displayed
under letter B.
This icon appears in the results screen; the first number indicates
the memory space in which the currently displayed blood pressure
measurement value is stored; the second number is the total number
of measurements stored (max. 500).
Systolic pressure
Diastolic pressure
Mean arterial pressure
Pulse frequency
MAP= diastolic p1/3 (systolic pressure – diastolic pressure)
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