Use a stethoscope to determine the value for the
SYSTOLE and save this in the display by tapping the
ERKA. -Button.
The reading is shown in the display.
Use a stethoscope to determine the value for the
DIASTOLE and save this in the display by tapping the
ERKA. -Button.
The reading is shown in the display.
The device automatically deflates the cuff after con-
firming the DIASTOLE and displays the measurement
It displays the determined blood pressure value by
indicating the systolic pressure, the diastolic pressure,
the mean arterial blood pressure and the pulse.
The Erkameter 125 PRO automatically stores the
readings in the CLASSIC measurements memory, which
can be accessed directly from this menu ( –> memory
If you want to start another CLASSIC measurement,
please press the ERKA. -Button.
systolic pressure:
„Systole“ is the medical term for the phase of the
pumping process in which the heart contracts and ejects blood.
diastolic pressure:
the diastolic blood pressure value represents the
lowest pressure in the vascular system, a base pressure, to which the
vessels are permanently exposed.
ERKA_Manual_ERKA125_PRO_11_2020.indd 22
ERKA_Manual_ERKA125_PRO_11_2020.indd 22
26.11.2020 10:56:52
26.11.2020 10:56:52