Permanent cuff pressure, e.g. due to a bent cuff tube, may lead
to circulatory disorders that may cause serious injury to the patient.
If the cuff pressure remains, open the cuff fastener and switch the
device off by pressing the ERKA. -Button aus.
Press the ERKA. -Button in order to terminate the inflation pro-
cess. The Erkameter 125 PRO immediately stops the inflation pro-
cess, starts to discharge air and switches off.
To manually deflate the cuff, pull the tube off at the device‘s con-
nector. Makes sure that the tube is not bent, so that the cuff can be
fully deflated.
The cuff must not be applied to wounds or cuts as this involves a
higher risk of infection.
Please note! The positioning and inflation of the cuff on any limb
for which an intravascular access or intravascular therapy or an
arteriovenous (AV) shunt is present may lead to a temporary inter-
ruption and patient injury.
Please note! The inflation of the cuff may lead to a temporary loss
of function of a monitoring ME device used simultaneously on the
same limb.
Please note! The cuff tube may wrap around the neck and result in
strangulation. Please only wear the cuff on the upper arm and ensu-
re that the pressure tube cannot wrap around the neck.
Please note! Please check that the operation of the automatic,
non-invasive blood pressure monitor does not impair the patient‘s
blood circulation for an extended period of time. (The check may
include the observation of the relevant limb.)
Please be aware that the method of measurement involves the
interruption of blood circulation for a short period. A break of at
least one minute must be provided between multiple measurements.
Measurements performed too frequently may injure the patient as a
result of circulatory disorders.
The results of the blood pressure measurement may also be influ-
enced by extreme temperatures and humidity. Pay attention to the
operating conditions.
If liquid has been sprayed onto the device, send the device to
your authorised ERKA. sales partner or directly to the manufacturer
for checks.
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