Start / Pause
Pressing this key starts the selected job, pauses a
job that is already running, or resumes a job that
has been paused. Use the joystick to scroll
through the jobs on the control panel display to
choose the job you want to start. Once your job
has been selected, press the START/PAUSE key
to start the job.
After your job has started you can press this key
to pause the movement of the laser beam as
well as the firing of the laser beam. Please be
aware there is a slight delay between when the
Pause button has been pressed and when the
job will stop. Once the job is paused you can
open the door to examine the mark on your
material. By closing the door and pressing this
key again the marking will commence where it
left off. If the item being marked is not moved
the marking registration will not be affected.
Opening the door on the laser system
during operation will immediately stop the laser
from firing. Always Pause your job before
opening the doors.
Pressing the RESET key will stop the job and
move the laser back to its Home Position. Press
the reset key after you have paused a job that
you are currently running. The galvo will
reposition itself to the start position of the job.
RESET does not erase the job from the laser
system’s memory; rather it will stop the
engraving job in process and the galvo will
reposition itself to the home position.