Quadro Manual I: Installation Guide
Step 2: Configuring the Quadro
Quadro2x, 2xi; Quadro4x, 4xi; Quadro16x, 16xi (SW Version 5.3.x)
Fig. I-21: Confirm Settings page
Please Note:
You must confirm the settings within 20 minutes. Otherwise the device will
revert back to the previous configuration and reboot
Please Note:
If you do not use DHCP for your LAN and you have changed your LAN set-
tings, make sure that the IP address of the PC connected to Quadro is still within the speci-
fied IP address range, otherwise your PC may not establish a connection to Quadro.
If you changed the network configuration of the LAN, restart your LAN connection to re-
ceive a new IP address from the new network. Then you can access the Web Management
of the Quadro on the new IP address you’ve assigned to the Quadro.