Installation and Operating Instructions - MEGA
General terms and conditions of service
General terms and conditions of
(T&C, Dated 08-2018)
I. Scope
Unless otherwise agreed in writing for specific instances, these terms and
conditions of service shall apply to service operations, including reviewing
and remedying complaints. All our existing or future legal relationships
shall be governed solely by the following terms and conditions of service.
We do not recognise any of the customer's conflicting terms and condi-
tions unless we have given our express written consent to their applicabil-
We hereby expressly object to any of the customer's terms and conditions
included in the customer's General Terms and Conditions of Business or
order confirmation. Unconditional acceptance of order acknowledgments
or deliveries shall not be construed as any form of acknowledgment of
such terms and conditions. Ancillary agreements or amendments must be
confirmed in writing.
II. Costs
The customer shall bear the following costs in connection with services
Mounting/dismantling and electrical (de-)installation
Transportation, postage and packaging
Function testing and troubleshooting, including inspection and repair
There shall be no third-party billing.
III. Performance and cooperation obligations
The customer shall provide assistance free of charge to the manufacturer in
rendering services.
In the case of a warranty claim, the manufacturer shall provide replace-
ment parts necessary for servicing free of charge.