IP1938EN - 2017-12-07
use the keys
to select the required function
press the ENTER key to confirm
BC - Basic Configurations.
The menu allows to visualize and modify the main settings of the control panel.
BA - Basic Adjustments.
The menu allows to visualize and modify the main adjustments of the control panel.
RO - Radio Operations.
The menu allows to manage the radio operations of the control panel.
SF - Special Functions.
The menu allows to set the password and manage the special functions in the control panel.
CC - Cycles Counter.
The menu allows to visualize the number of operations carried out by the automation, and manage the maintenance interventions.
EM - Energy Management.
The menu allows you to manage the use of the batteries.
AP - Advanced Parameters.
The menu allows to visualize and modify the advanced settings and adjustments of the control panel.
After confirming the selection, you access the second level menu.
6. Menu
6.1 Main
NOTE: it is possible that, owing to the type of automation and control panel, certain menus are not available.