IP1938EN - 2017-12-07
use the keys
to select the required function
press the ENTER key to confirm
AA - Activation of AP (Advanced Parameters) menu.
OF - Disabled
ON - Enabled
NOTE: activation is necessary before being able to scroll through the AP
(Advanced Parameters) menu.
DO - Setting of disengagement on obstacle during opening. [°]
00 - Minimum
10 - Maximum
DC - Setting of disengagement on obstacle during closing. [°]
00 - Minimum
10 - Maximum
PP - Setting of step-by-step sequence after command 1-5.
OF - Opening-Stop-Closing-Opening
ON - Opening-Stop-Closing-Stop-Opening
S5 - Duration of STOP in step-by-step sequence after command 1-5.
OF - Temporary
ON - Permanent
R9 - Activation of automatic closing after command 1-9 (STOP).
OF - Disabled
ON - Enabled
When enabled (ON) after a command 1-9 the automation carries out the automatic
closing (if enabled), after the set time.
TA - Setting the acceleration time. [%]
00 - Fast acceleration
99 - Slow acceleration
TP - Setting of automatic closing time after partial opening. [s]
00 - Minimum
30 - Maximum
TP - Setting the automatic closing time after opening by P3 remote control (open-
ing of 1 automation with inter-locked barriers). [s]
Adjustment occurs with intervals of varying sensitivity.
- from 0” to 59” with 1 second intervals;
- from 1’ to 2’ with 10 seconds intervals.
TK - Setting of automatic closing time after key-operated opening. [s]
00 - Minimum
30 - Maximum
NOTE: activation is necessary before being able to scroll through the AP
(Advanced Parameters) menu.
6.8 Second level menu - AP (Advanced Parameters)