Enshare Datastream MP2 Gateway User’s Guide
trend plot - A graph of the amplitude of a measurement against time, usually displaying the
trend in a magnitude or process measurement over days, weeks, or months.
user name - Enshare can be configured for multiple users, each with their own user name
and password. A user name identifies an individual user of the Enshare program. It can
be up to 16 characters in length, and can include letters, numbers, symbols and spaces.
view - A view is an arrangement of panes in either a Database window or a Plot window.
You can save a view by giving it a name. Once you save a view, you can recall it to change
the panes in the active window.
window - A window is an area on your screen containing a program or a view of data. The
Enshare program runs in the Enshare window. The windows within Enshare can contain
reports, the current list, or one or more panes showing a plot or a database view.
work request - A request for maintenance work to be done to correct a problem. A work
request may become a work order in some systems. A work request is created by sending
an advisory to a gateway.