Enshare Datastream MP2 Gateway User’s Guide
Setting Up MP2 Enterprise Gateways
To define the link to the MP2 Enterprise system, select the name of the gateway as one
of the Asset information items. Then double-click in the Value column to display a
dialog box that allows you to link this component to a matching equipment or location
in the MP2 Enterprise system.
If the component is linked to equipment in theMP2 Enterprise system, the Select MP2
Equipment dialog box appears. You can filter the displayed equipment based on the
Site, Location, or one of the Sub-Locations by selecting the level. Choose Refresh to
display the equipment items that exist at or above the selected filter level. For example,
if you choose Sub-location 1, Enshare displays the equipment that exists at the selected
Site, Location, and Sub-location 1. The Site is filled in by default if you set up the
gateway with a default site. See “Creating a New Gateway” on page 3.
If the component is linked to a location in the MP2 Enterprise system, the Select MP2
Location dialog box appears. The Location field contains the name of the MP2 location
link to Enshare. Location names must be typed in because they cannot be retrieved
from MP2. Enter the name and choose OK.
When you have entered all the information for the machine, move to the next machine
by doing one of the following:
Clicking the machine in the Hierarchy Tree. You do not have to close the
Hierarchy dialog box.
Choosing the Previous or Next buttons in the Hierarchy dialog box.
When you are done entering component information, chose OK to close the dialog box.