Enshare Datastream MP2 Gateway User’s Guide
hierarchy levels - The Enshare database is set up as a hierarchy of plants and equipment,
with information arranged in levels. Each of these levels is called a hierarchy level. In
Enshare, the hierarchy levels are numbered from the bottom to the top. One possible set
of hierarchy levels is:
Plant, Train, Machine. In Enshare, this hierarchy looks like:
hierarchy notebook - The hierarchy notebook holds information about machinery in the
Hierarchy Tree. For example, you can use the notebook to store information on the
condition and repair history of a machine.
Hierarchy Tree - A graphical illustration of the database hierarchy. It contains the machines
in your predictive maintenance system. You display the Hierarchy Tree by opening the
Hierarchy pane in the Database window.
pane - A pane is a part of a window. There are two types of panes: plot and database. A plot
pane contains a graphical display of data, like a spectrum plot. A database pane contains
either the Hierarchy Tree or a spreadsheet showing the information saved in the
password - Enshare can be configured for multiple users, each with their own user name
and password. A password is like a key that unlocks the Enshare program. A password
can be up to 16 characters in length, and may contain letters, numbers, symbols, and
plot - A plot is a graphical display of data. Some examples are spectrum, trend, and time
waveform plots.
Plot window - A Plot window contains one or more graphical displays of data. Plot windows
can be split into two or more parts, called panes. Note that minimizing a plot window
unlinks the window from the Database window.
report description - Contains the formatting information for a report. It controls both the
contents and the appearance of the report.
report source - Controls the data Enshare includes in a report. The report source can be a
list, or it can be the entire Enshare database.
Report window - A window that contains a report of information from the database. You
can send a report in a window to the printer if you want a hard copy of the report.
spreadsheet - A display of information from the database that displays data in rows and
columns (like a table). Spreadsheets appear either in dialog boxes, or in windows. You
can add, edit, or delete information through spreadsheets.