Technical Manual
4.4.4 Load of Nitrogen
a) After finishing the couplings, make sure there are no leaks. For this purpose, inject a load of
nitrogen with a pressure of 10 bar through the pressure inlet (3-way valve).
b) Brush every coupling in soap foam and make sure that the pressure in the pressure gauge is
4.4.5 Vacuum
a) During the whole procedure, employ, connections, vacuum pump and pressure gauges
suitable for fluid R134a.
b) Employ a vacuum pump only to remove the air and humidity inside the piping.
c) Never use the system coolant to purge the connection pipes.
d) The valves must be completely shut during the vacuum process, in order to create vacuum
only in the piping.
Closed Valves
A – 2-Way-Valves B – 3-Way-Valve
e) Create a vacuum with the vacuum pump plugged to the inlet of the 3-way pressure valve as
depicted, keeping the valves completely shut. The vacuum should be at least 30min for
installation of one panel and 45min for installation of two panels;
f) Once the vacuum procedure is over, shut the vacuum pump valves. The vacuum pressure
gauge should indicate the same reading after the pump has stopped, ensuring the installation
is in a vacuum and ready for running the coolant;
g) After concluding the vacuum procedure, you must open the two valves so that the coolant may
circulate throughout the whole system; the installation keeps the vacuum steady and is ready
for running the coolant;
h) Remove hose connected to 3-way valve.
Open Valves
A – 2-Way-Valve B – 3-Way_Valve
After vacuuming, do not remove the hoses until the system is fully pressurized by the
This prevents atmospheric air (atmospheric pressure) from entering the system