©2010 Enerdrive Pty Ltd
3.0 Setup
This section provides information on the charge efficiency setting and shows you
how to access/adjust this setting. Normally the ME-BMK Battery Monitor (BM) au-
tomatically calculates the battery’s efficiency, however you may want to manually
set the efficiency.
Info: The factory default setting is Chg Eff: Auto, this setting allows the
charging efficiency to be automatically calculated. In most circumstances,
the “Auto” setting will determine the best charge efficiency.
CAUTION: If you do not know your battery’s charging efficiency, leave
this setting at the factory default setting, if this setting is manually set
and incorrect, the state-of-charge information would be more inaccurate
with every charge.
What is Charge Efficiency? When a certain amount of energy is removed or
discharged from the battery, this removed energy will need to be returned to keep
the batteries at a 100% state of charge. As batteries are being charged, they
lose energy; either in the form of heat or while gassing. This loss of energy while
charging means the battery will not be fully charged if you only return the current
that was removed. To compensate for the batteries inefficiencies while charging,
a charge efficiency setting is provided. The charge efficiency setting compensates
the AH I/O (AmpHrs In/Out) reading by ensuring the amphrs returned to the bat-
tery are greater than the amp-hours removed.
For example, if your AH I/O display reads 000 and you begin powering a 25 amp
load for two hours, the display will show -050. This indicates that you have dis-
charged 50 amp-hrs (2 x 25) from the battery. If the charge efficiency setting is
set to 95%, then as you begin charging and return 50 amp-hrs, the AH I/O reading
will be less than zero, indicating that the amp-hours removed have not been fully
returned. The 95% charge efficiency setting requires 52.5 amp-hours (50/95) to
be returned before the AH I/O returns to 0.
3.1 Accessing the Charge Efficiency Menu Item
On the ME-RC remote control, press the METER pushbutton and rotate the ‘SELECT’
knob until the display shows the 05 BM: SETUP menu. Once the 05 BM: SETUP
menu is displayed, press the ‘SELECT’ knob to access the Charge Efficiency setting
(see figure 3-1).
Figure 3-1, Accessing the Charge Efficiency Menu Item
Info: For additional information on navigating the remote display, see the
ME-RC Owner’s Manual (PN: 64-0003).
Info: See figure 4-1, METER Menu Map (ME-BMK Displays) for a complete
map of the menu items and adjustable settings available for the ME-BMK
using the ME-RC remote control.