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Burner lights but does not
stay lit while pilot remains on
Low gas pressure
Check gas supply pressure
Loose sensor wire
Check wire connection
Valve not grounded well
Check ground connections
Clogged or dirty burner ports
Clean burner ports
Room temperature is higher than
thermostat setting
Move remote away from fireplace
Set higher temperature on remote/thermostat
Remote control batteries failing
Replace batteries in remote transmitter and
Faulty pilot or thermocouple (millivolts)
Replace pilot
Faulty valve
Replace valve
Burner & pilot light
but will not stay lit
Flame sensor dirty
Clean pilot sensor
Low gas pressure
Check gas supply pressure
Not enough fresh air for pilot
Open door or window - ventilate
Clogged or dirty burner ports
Clean burner ports
Room temperature is higher than
thermostat setting
Move remote away from fireplace
Set higher temperature on remote/thermostat
Remote control batteries failing
Replace batteries in remote transmitter and
Faulty pilot or thermocouple
Replace pilot
Incorrect burner flame
Incorrect gas supply or pressure
Check gas supply pressure
Blocked orifice
Check orifice opening
Clogged or dirty burner ports
Clean burner ports
Faulty valve
Replace valve
High altitude
Adjust orifice size for altitude or pressure
Backfire of burner
Clogged or dirty burner ports
Clean burner ports
Blocked orifice
Check orifice opening
High/Low gas pressure
Check gas supply pressure
Appliance produces
unwanted odors
Initial burn-off of manufacturing chemicals
Ventilate room until odor stops
Vapors from paint, candles, air fresheners,
hairspray, glue, etc.
Ventilate room until odor stops. Do not use paint,
candles, air fresheners, hairspray, glue, etc around
Whistle noise from appliance
Check gas pressure
Adjust gas pressure to recommended setting.
Air in gas line
Bleed lines
Flex line pinched or too small diameter line
Replace pinched flexline, replace gas feed line with
larger diameter, or non-whistle gas flexline (sold
interMittent control sYsteM troUBlesHootinG
proBleM oBserveD
possiBle caUse
corrective MeasUre