1.0 Introduction
the new sDU AC - A series UPs has added capability to communicate to systems or networks through modular CoMM CARDs.
1.1 Active Cards
Plug-in modules that provides the sDU AC - A series UPs network flexibility and a modular solution. It is especially suitable for both
general purpose and for high-end applications with large I/o data transfer, fast network cycles and synchronization demands. Utilizing
a common ethernet module that allows your chosen ethernet protocol in a specific communications module to be chosen for your
the CoMM CARD for ethernet/IP™ is a complete module which enables your products to communicate on an ethernet/IP™
network. the module supports fast communication speeds, making it suitable also for high-end industrial devices. ethernet/IP™
sDUenetIPCARD has been tested and approved for conformance by the oDVA. More information about ethernet/IP™ and the oDVA
can be obtained from the following website: www.odva.org.
1.1.2 Other Industrial Protocols
Modules to supports fast Industrial Internet communication speeds with other networks are being developed.
Contact your solaHD representative for availability.
sDUMBUsCARD - Modbus tCP 2-port, CoMM CARD which enables your products to communicate on an Modbus tCP network.
sDUPnetCARD - Profinet IRt 2-port, CoMM CARD which enables your products to communicate on an Profinet network
sDUeCAtCARD - etherCAt 2-port, CoMM CARD which enables your products to communicate on an etherCAt network
1.2 Passive Card
the sDUCFReLAYCARD supports digital I/o processing applications and is equipped with LeD diagnostics. the sDUCFReLAYCARD is a
communication module used to control two 1-form-c sPDt relays (n.o.). each relay contact side, n.o., C and n.C., is connected to three
pins of a 8 pin push-in connector. An optional external momentary switch can be connected to the remaining two interface pins 7-8 for
remote standby mode operation.
the CF Relay Card is a seLV circuit acts as an interface between the UPs and the end user system.2.0 Installation
sDU AC - A seRIes CoMM CARDs InstRUCtIon MAnUAL |