Figure 8: SDUCFRELAYCARD Front Face and Designations
(8Pin) PUsH-In type
The SDUCFRELAYCARD contains the following:
switching logic thrugh PIns 1-6, as a signal for the UPs condition relays.
non-polarized ports, PIns 7-8 enable remote signaling and allow the UPs to go on stAnDBY mode during BACK-UP MoDe only.
When in stAnDBY MoDe, the UPs begins a 3 minute counter (maximum or set by user in UPsMon) that starts once stAnDBY
MoDe is activated by a momentary normally open switch or signal (minimum 1 second) before UPs will enter stAnDBY mode.
A Bi-Color LeD to represent UPs condition.
| 3.0 system Features and General Description