SerieS N2/K2 Tubular gagecocKS
InstallatIon, operatIon and maIntenance InstructIons
2 IntrOduCtIOn
Penberthy tubular gagecocks are used to
isolate tubular glass or other apparatus from
the holding or pressure vessel when it becomes
necessary to drain and service the tubular gage.
Penberthy Series N2 and K2 gagecocks are
supplied in pairs, (upper and lower), that house
each end of a transparent sight glass tube and
are available with socketweld, flanged or NPT
connections. This gagecock/glass combination
forms a gage that accurately indicates fluid
level as well as fluid characteristics. These
gagecocks are equipped, as a standard feature,
with a union vessel connection and ball check
shut-offs to prevent leakage of contained fluid in
case of accidental tubular glass breakage.
Series N2 and K2 gagecocks for process use
should include a ball check shut-off feature.
gagecocks without the ball check shut-off
feature will not stop leakage of contained fluid
automatically in the event of accidental tubular
glass breakage.
2.1 system description
Penberthy tubular gagecocks comprise six
basic components. each component may vary
slightly, depending on the desired physical
and mechanical properties for the gagecock.
use the exploded parts view in Section 11 as
additional reference material.
- a pressure retaining structure through
which fluid passes to enter a tubular glass or
other apparatus. Provides a rigid, union, or
spherical union connection to the vessel and
seating surfaces for most gagecock components.
Series N2 and K2 are offset pattern bodies.
ball checks
- sphere installed loosely within
the body of the gagecock that seats to prevent
significant leakage when a differential pressure
surge occurs (e.g., mechanical failure). ball
checks for aSMe steam service incorporate a
vertically rising lower and leaky horizontal upper
or omit ball checks completely. 'reverse acting'
ball checks are available for vacuum service.
- wetted parts that mechanically control
the fluid path from the vessel to the tubular
glass or other apparatus. The ball and stem
act to seal and release the fluid. in the event of
mechanical failure, the ball will seat to prevent
large quantities of the contained fluid from
exiting the vessel. Fluid is allowed to exit the
vessel into the tubular glass or other apparatus
when the stem is screwed away from its seated
position. The fluid is sealed when the stem is
screwed into its seated position.
The stem packing retainer provides a
compression surface between the process fluid
and the stem packing. a stem packing gland
is used to compress the packing against the
retainer and around the stem to prevent leakage.
stem packing
- under compression, the stem
packing is forced to mold around the stem and
prevent leakage of fluid during operation.
Gage connection
- provides connection between
the gagecock and the tubular glass or other
apparatus. a stuffing box style which allows for
the glass packing to be forced to mold around
the tubular glass and prevent leakage of fluid
during operation.
- rotated to engage threads
and provide screw action of stem.
Vessel fluids may be pressurized and can exit
vessel connections unexpectedly due to apparatus
or material failure. Safety glasses should be worn
when installing a gagecock. Failure to follow any
instruction could possibly result in a malfunction
of the gagecock with resulting sudden release
of pressure, severe physical injury or property
safety instructions
emerson does not have any control over the
manner in which its gagecocks are handled,
installed or used. Penberthy cannot and will
not guarantee that a gagecock is suitable or
compatible for the user's specific application.
1 abOut the Manual
This manual has been prepared as an aid and
guide for personnel involved in installation or
maintenance. all instructions must be read and
understood thoroughly before attempting any
installation, operation or maintenance.