SerieS N2/K2
Tubular gagecocKS
InstallatIon, operatIon and maIntenance InstructIons
5 InstallatIOn
installation should only be undertaken by
qualified personnel who are familiar with
this equipment. They should have read and
understood all of the instructions in this manual.
The user should refer to relevant technical
data sheets or the product proposal to obtain
dimensional information for specific size and
model gagecock set.
recommendations on tubular gagecock
installations are limited to the installation of
tubular glass liquid level gages when used as
liquid level indicating devices. The number of
different types of gagecock installations is too
great to explain adequately in an installation
manual. Therefore, it is the user's responsibility
to assure that knowledgeable installation
personnel plan and carry out the installation in a
safe manner. The following procedures are some
of the guidelines that should be employed.
5.1 Mounting
1. Prior to installation, turn the handwheel or
lever of each gagecock clockwise until the
stem closes against the seat.
2. remove union vessel connections from
gagecocks, where applicable, and apply heavy
grease (where allowable) to tailpipe seat. (The
grease minimizes galling of the seat surfaces
when tightening the coupling nuts).
3. Wrench tighten tailpipes of upper and lower
gagecocks to the vessel using PTFe tape, or
equivalent, on all male tapered pipe thread
connections as shown in Figure 1. Make sure
the coupling nuts are in place on the tailpipes
prior to assembling to vessel. if the gagecock
is flanged or weld mount, use proper industry
standard procedures.
4. Mount upper and lower gagecocks to vessel
tailpipes making certain that tubular glass
connections are aligned vertically and to
vessel centers as called for on application
specification. union vessel connection should
only be snug at this time.
4 InsPeCtIOn
on receipt of a gagecock set, check all
components carefully for damage incurred in
shipping. if damage is evident or suspected,
do not attempt any installation. Notify carrier
immediately and request damage inspection.
refer to exploded view drawing in Section 11 to
inventory parts.
4.1 user rating inspection
The user should confirm that:
1. The gagecock set model number and
pressure/temperature rating stamped on
nameplate conforms to the description on
the user's purchase order
2. The operating conditions described in
the purchase order agree with the actual
operating conditions at the installation site
3. The actual operating conditions at the
installation site are within the application data
shown on the relevant technical data sheet or
product proposal referred to previously
4. The materials of construction of the
gagecock set are compatible with both
the contained fluid and the surrounding
atmosphere in the specific application.
safety instructions
if the size, model or performance data of the
gagecock set as received does not conform with
any of the criteria above, do not proceed with
installation. contact an authorized Penberthy
distributor for assistance.
5.2 tubular glass installation
1. Turn upper gagecock counterclockwise
(approx. ⅛ turn).
2. loosen glass packing nut to insure there is
no compressive force on glass packing.
3. insert tubular glass up into upper gagecock
stuffing box connection.
4. return upper gagecock to its original
position while holding tubular glass in place
with upward force to insure its clearing
of lower stuffing box connection. check
vertical alignment of gagecocks.
5. loosen glass packing nut on lower
gagecock and pull glass down into lower
gagecock stuffing box connection to a
positive stop.
6. Tighten upper and lower vessel coupling nuts.
7. Tighten upper and lower glass packing nuts.
in some circumstances, it may be
necessary to remove glass packing nut, glass
packing gland and glass packing and mount
them on tubular glass prior to insertion of glass
into upper and lower gagecock bodies. See
Figure 2 for proper assembly sequence.
PTFe tape
Direction of wrap
Figure 1
5.3 Guard rod installation
guard rods (four required) are assembled
downward through upper gagecock star with
the swaged portion of rods at the top. bottom of
rods are positioned into respective holes in the
lower gagecock star.