January 2016, Rev. 1
CAM216/16 IOM
Doc. Number: ECM-402-0116
Section 7: Status Information
Status Information
Section 7: Status Information
Device Status
Bit 7 (“Device Malfunction”): This bit shall be set when any status Bit mapped to NE107
Category: Failure is set.
Bit 4 (“More Status Available”) : This bit shall be set whenever any bit in the Additional Device
Status Bytes is set, in other words, whenever any additional status information is available.
Command #48 would be used to read the Additional Status Info.
Additional Device Status
Command #48 returns 10 bytes of data, with the following status:
Table 27.
Device Status Alarms (1)
7 (0x80)
APD Failure Alarm
6 (0x40)
LDM Failure Alarm
5 (0x20)
CCM Failure Alarm
4 (0x10)
Moving Wrong Direction
3 (0x08)
Power Monitor Alarm
2 (0x04)
Motor Thermal Alarm
1 (0x02)
Phase Monitor Alarm
0 (0x01)
Actuator Fail Alarm
7 (0x80)
Electronic Failure
6 (0x40)
Communication Failed Alarm
5 (0x20)
Encoder Fault Alarm
4 (0x10)
Pressure Transmitter Fault Alarm
3 (0x08)
Solenoid Valve Fault Alarm
2 (0x04)
Hydraulic Power Unit Fault Alarm
1 (0x02)
RDM2 Failure Alarm
0 (0x01)
RDM1 Failure Alarm
7 (0x80)
Overshoot Alarm1
6 (0x40)
Over Torque
5 (0x20)
Open Torque
4 (0x10)
Close Torque
3 (0x08)
AI-2 Out of Range.
2 (0x04)
AI-1 Out of Range
1 (0x02)
Over Pressure in Mid Travel Alarm.
0 (0x01)
Initialization Failed Alarm
7 (0x80)
Accumulator Pre-Charge Alarm
6 (0x40)
Limits Not Set Alarm
5 (0x20)
Low Battery Alarm
4 (0x10)
Valve Drift Alarm
3 (0x08)
Invalid SOV configuration Alarm
2 (0x04)
Config Conflict Error
1 (0x02)
CPU Has Reset
0 (0x01)
Stop Between Ports Alarm1