Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
MAN-02-04-97-0713-EN Rev. 1
October 2019
Section 9: Set-Up Routines
Set-Up Routines
Configuration procedure
Move the local selector to OFF and then simultaneously press OPEN and STOP.
Select the language and then enter the password according to the instructions
(see “Entering the set-up mode”). When the message displayed is “SET-UP MODE
OK?” press YES. Press YES to select the "Actuator Setup" menu, press NO to scroll
through the list of available routines, and then press YES to select "Remote Controls".
Press YES if the control mode is correct or NO to scroll through the list of
available options: 4 wires, 3 wires, 2 wires, off. Press YES to select the desired
option. If 4 wires was chosen, use YES and NO to select the STOP signal; set MAKE
to stop when the signal is on and set BREAK to stop when the signal is off. If
“3 wires” was chosen, use YES or NO to answer the prompt on the display and
choose among “push-to-run” or “latched instant reverse” control modes. If
“2 wires” was chosen, use YES and NO to choose among “open if signal ON” or
“open if signal OFF” control modes.
Local Controls
This routine allows for:
Configuration of the control mode by means of the local controls when the
3-position selector is in LOCAL. The available options are “push-to-run”, “latched”,
“latched with instant reverse”.
Changing the colors of the LEDs. The following options are available:
open LED: green or red
close LED: green or red
alarm LED: yellow or red
Configuration procedure
Move the local selector to OFF and then simultaneously press OPEN and STOP.
Select the language and then enter the password according to the instructions
(see “Entering the set-up mode”). When the message displayed is “SET-UP MODE
OK?” press YES. Press YES to select the "Actuator Setup" menu, press NO to scroll
through the list of available routines, and then press YES to select "Remote Controls".
Press YES if the control mode is correct or NO to scroll through the list of
available options: 4 wires, 3 wires, 2 wires, off. Press YES to select the desired
option. If 4 wires was chosen, use YES and NO to select the STOP signal; set MAKE
to stop when the signal is on and set BREAK to stop when the signal is off. If
“3 wires” was chosen, use YES or NO to answer the prompt on the display and
choose among “push-to-run” or “latched instant reverse” control modes. If
“2 wires” was chosen, use YES and NO to choose among “open if signal ON” or
“open if signal OFF” control modes.
Control Mode
Press YES if the display shows the correct control mode or press NO to scroll through
the list of available options (push-to-run, latched). Press YES to confirm. Option
"push-to-run rel. AS5-6" is used when remote enabling of local commands is required.
With the local selector in LOCAL, pressing the OPEN or CLOSE local push-buttons
causes relays AS5 or AS6 to switch, but no command is sent to the motor. The control
PLC should read the status of the above-mentioned relays and send an open or close
command to the remote inputs (refer to Section 5.6, push-to-run mode; see relevant
electrical diagram when the option is used).