EES-401 Series Ultrasonic Energy Meter
Revision: 3.0.1
Page 74 of 90
reset after power on again;
4. Set error returns "Set error", storage error
returns "Memery error", and sucess returns
Networking command prefix of numeric
string address
Note: 3
Prefix of return command with check
Function sign of command "add"
The valid data that The format returns is 7 digits. When the data bits are larger than 7 digits, the low bit
accuracy will be lost. Therefore, it is not recommended to use the Fuji protocol to obtain accumulation
that may exceed 7 digits, such as accumulation. It is recommended to use the Modbus protocol
described below.
Eight "dddddddd" expresses the electronic serial number of the machine.
If there are multiple Energy Meters in a data network then the basic commands cannot be used alone.
The prefix W must be added. Otherwise, multiple Energy Meters will answer simultaneously, which
will cause chaos in the system.
Function prefix and function sign
Prefix P
The character P can be added before every basic command. It means that the transferred data has check
code. The check code is the 8-bit sum check obtained by hexadecimal addition.
For example: The command DI + The data returned is +1.06 m3 (the corresponding hexadecimal
data are 0x2B, 0x31, 0x2E, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x45, 0x2B, 0x30, 0x36, 0x20, 0x6D,
0x33), then PDI+The data returned is +1.2 06 m3! 5B, '!' is the separator, does not participate in
the calculation, and '5B' is the check code, which is calculated by 0x2B+0x31+...+0x6D+0x33. (Note: the
end of the command and the end of the returned data are not described in the above process, so they do not
participate in the calculation of the check code.)
Prefix W
The usage of prefix W is W+m46 address code+basic command. for example have access to the
instantaneous flow velocity of No.5 flow meter, it is right tp send the command W5DV.
Function sign &
Function sign & can add up to 5 basic commands (Prefix P is allowed) together to form a compound
command sent to the Energy Meter together. The Energy Meter will answer simultaneously. For example,
if No.1 Energy Meter is requested to simultaneously return: 1] instantaneous flow, 2] instantaneous flow
velocity, 3] positive total flow, 4] energy total, 5] AI1 analogous input current value, the following
command is issued:
The returned data may be as follows:
+0.00 m3/h!D0
+0.00 m/s!A8
+1.06 m3!5B
-1.06 m3!5D
+0.00 m3!39