EES-401 Series Ultrasonic Energy Meter
Revision: 3.0.1
Page 36 of 90
Manual Totalizer
The manual totalizer is a separate totalizer. Press
to start, and press
to stop it. It is used
for flow measurement and calculation.
Damping Factor
The damping factor ranges from 0 ~ 99 seconds.
0 indicates no damping; 99 indicates the maximum
The damping function will stabilize the flow display.
Its principle is the same as that in a single-section RC
filter. The damping factor value corresponds to the
circuit time constant. Usually a damping factor of 3 to
10 is recommended in applications.
Low Flow Cutoff Value
Low Flow Cut off is used to make the system display as
"0" value at lower and smaller flows to avoid any
invalid totalizing. For example, if the cutoff value is set
as 0.03, system will take all the measured flow velocity
values from - 0.03 to + 0.03 as "0". Generally, 0.03 is
recommended in most applications.
Set Static Zero
When fluid is in the static state, the displayed value is
called "Zero Point". When "Zero Point
is not at zero in
the Energy Meter, the difference is going to be added
into the actual flow values and measurement
differences will occur in the Energy Meter.
Set zero must be carried out after the transducers are
installed and the flow inside the pipe is in the absolute
static state (no liquid movement in the pipe). Thus, the
"Zero Point" resulting from different pipe mounting
locations and parameters can be eliminated. The
measuring accuracy at low flow is enhanced by doing
this and flow offset is eliminated.
, wait for the processing instructions at the
bottom right corner to reach 0.
When the zero point is greater than 0.3m/s, the static
zero point function setting will not be possible.
Manual Totalizer [38
Press ENT When Ready
Damping [40
10 sec
Low Flow Cutoff Val
0.030 m/s
Set Zero [42
Press ENT When Ready