This pump produces high levels of suction and creates a strong vacuum
at the main drain at the bottom of your pool and spa. This suction is so
strong that it can trap adults or children under water if they come in
close proximity to a pool or spa drain or a loose or broken drain cover or
The Virginia Graeme Baker (VGB) Pool and Spa Safety Act creates new
requirements for owners and operators of commercial swimming Pools
and spas.
Commercial pools or spas constructed on or after December 19, 2008, shall utilize:
Commercial pools and spas constructed prior to December 19, 2008, with a single submerged suction outlet shall
use a suction outlet cover that meets ASME/ANSI A112.19.8a and either :
1. A multiple main drain system without isolation capability with suction outlet covers that meet ASME/ANSI
A112.19.8a Suction Fittings for Use in Swimming Pools, Wading Pools, Spas, and Hot Tubs and either :
1.1 A safety vacuum release system (SVRS) meeting ASME/ANSI A112.19.17 Manufactured Safety Vacuum
Release systems (SVRS)
For Residential and Commercial Swimming Pool, Spa, Hot Tub, and Wading Pool Suction Systems and/or
ASTM F2387 Standard
Specification for Manufactured Safety Vacuum Release Systems (SVRS) for Swimming pools, Spas and Hot
Tubs or
1.2 A properly designed and tested suction-limiting vent system or
1.3 An automatic pump shut-off system.
1. A SVRS meeting ASME/ANSI A112.19.17 and/or ASTM F2387, or
2. A properly designed and tested suction-limiting vent system, or
3. An automatic pump shut-off system, or
4. Disabled submerged outlets, or
5. Suction outlets shall be reconfigured into return inlets.
There are five types of suction entrapment according to The Virginia Graeme Baker (VGB) Pool and Spa Safety Act
Body Entrapment
a section of the torso becomes entrapped
Limb Entrapment
an arm or leg is caught by or pulled into an open drainpipe
Hair Entrapment
or entanglement hair is pulled into and/or wrapped around the grate of the drain cover
Mechanical Entrapment
the bather's jewelr y or clothing gets caught in the drain or the grate
the victim's buttocks come into contact with the pool suction outlet and he or she is disemboweled
Two function suctions outlets per pump must be installed to prevent entrapment. The
minimum separate of suction on the same plate must be at least point to point measurement 1
meter (3ft) apart. It is used to avoid “dual blockage” by bather.
If suction is found damage, broken, cracked, missing or not securely attached during regular
checking, shunt down the pool and replace it immediately.
A vacuum release or vent system is recommended to install for suction entrapment release.