background image


Backlight maximum brightness “Max LED Lux (%)” (33). 

This is the 

luminous intensity, expressed as a percentage, of the backlighting LEDs 
of the panel keypad and LCD screen when the panel is on. The entrance 
panel reaches the maximum brightness value when performing functions 
and returns to the minimum value after approx. 10 seconds of inactivity.

Camera LED brightness “TLC Lux (%)” (34). 

This is the luminous inten-

sity, expressed as a percentage, of the camera lighting LEDs. (Only for 
entrance panels connected to cameras).

Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Day of the month, Month, Year, Day of the 
week. (35) – (41).  

These parameters configure the entrance panel clock 

– calendar. 

External volume (42) Internal volume (43) Balance (44). 

The entrance 

panel is equipped with digital trimmers for adjusting the audio volume and 
balance. These parameters directly control the trimmers and can be modi-
fied by directly typing the new parameter value or by adjusting the volume 
while making a call.

F1 Code (45). 

This parameter is for programming the code to activate fun-

ction F1 from keypad. To enter the code simultaneously press buttons 






F2 Code (46). 

This parameter is for programming the code to activate fun-

ction F2 from keypad. To enter the code simultaneously press buttons 





First number in memory “1 Num. Memory” (47). 

This parameter is for programming the quick call number associated with 

the “

” button. If the number is 0, the function is disabled. 

Second number in memory “2 Num. Memory” (48). 

This parameter is for programming the quick call number associated with 

the “

” button. If the number is 0, the function is disabled. 

The quick call function is secondary to the switchboard call function. If pa-

rameter 19 “Enab. Switchbd Call” is enabled, when “

” is pressed, the call 

to switchboard is sent on the digibus channel to the main entrance panel / 

External reader address “Ext 1 – 8 Address” (49) – (56). 

Up to 8 tran-

sponder readers can be connected to the entrance panel via the interphone 
cable riser digibus channel, terminal 1. The ID code of the readers from 
which the entrance panel can receive the key must be programmed in these 

Transmission of received key “Tx Key” (57). 

The keycode received by 

one of the transponder readers connected to the interphone cable riser digi-
bus channel, can be forwarded by the entrance panel in the following ways:

Access to hidden parameters “Hidden paras” (60). 

parameters from 61 

to 67 are not normally accessible. These parameters must only be modified 
on the recommendation of Elvox technicians to prevent malfunctions or da-
mage to the entrance panel. To access the hidden parameters, type “27” in 
Hidden Paras. Access to the parameters is automatically deactivated when 
returning to the normally accessible parameters.

Monitor power-off cycle “Mon. Off Time” (61). 

This parameter expresses 

the activation time, in tens of milliseconds, of the +I output. The entrance 
panel +I terminal is connected to the +I terminal present on power supply 
units type 6941 and 6948 and checks the power supply of the monitors to 
the + - terminals. 

Entrance panel in transit timeout “Transit Time” (62). 

This is the ma-

ximum time, in minutes, for which the entrance panel remains in transit. 
To prevent system malfunctions from blocking the entrance panel in the 
engaged status, when this time has elapsed the entrance panel interrupts 
the communication and also frees the interphone cable riser to which it is 

Command repetition “Command Rep. (+)” (63). 

This command enables 

the forwarding or repetition of certain special commands, as shown in the 
table below: (default bit 2+7+8)

Tx Key 



Doesn’t transmit the key


Transmits the key if it is present in the entrance panel data-


Transmits the key is it is not present in the entrance panel 


Always transmits the key

Request confirmation code from transponder reader “Request Passw” 

When the entrance panel receives a key it can request a confirmation 

from the transponder reader sending a message encoded with a password. 
If this parameter is equal to 1 then confirmation is requested, otherwise not.

Transmission of key to Up or Down serial line “Tx UP / Down” (59). 

If parameter 57 is different from 0, this parameter decides which channel the 
keycode will be forwarded on: if para. 59 = 0 the entrance panel transmits 
the key on the interphone cable riser digibus channel (UP) otherwise on the 
digibus channel to the main entrance panel / switchboard (down).


rep. =








Transmits a double reset command




Forwards the “NO KEY” command over the 
interphone cable riser digibus line




Forwards the “NO KEY” command over the 
main entrance panel digibus line




If = 16, when the entrance panel receives the 
IN TLC command it forwards the 
command without modifying it, otherwise it 
only forwards intercom without camera.




If = 32: if the entrance panel receives an “S” 
command from the serial line on the INTER-
PHONE CABLE RISER side addressed to 
another device, it forwards it over the MAIN 
ENTRANCE PANEL serial line.




If = 64: if the entrance panel receives an “S” 
command from the serial line on the MAIN 
ENTRANCE PANEL side addressed to 
another device, it forwards it over the INTER-
PHONE CABLE RISER serial line.




Forwards the F1 command on the main panel 
serial line.




Forwards the F2 command on the main panel 
serial line.




The RESET command from the main en-
trance panel is forwarded to the interphone 
cable riser even if the initial user - final user 
window is closed.


Activate datalogger “Datalogger (R9)” (30).

 If set to 1 the entrance panel 

datalogger is activated. The datalogger records messages generated by 
the entrance panel or which are transmitted over the databuses connected 
to the entrance panel (cable riser serial line and serial line to the main 
entrance panel) and can be displayed by simultaneously pressing buttons 
R + 9. For each message the entrance panel stores the ID of the recipient, 
the type of command, the time it was detected, the direction of transit and 
the total number of stored messages. The entrance panel stores in memory 
the last 400 messages detected. The events are erased if the power to the 
entrance panel is interrupted.The datalogger is a useful tool for testing a 
system and identifying possible faults.

Activate debug messages “Disp. debug ” (31).

 If set to 1 every command 

addressed to the entrance panel is shown on the display, indicating the type 
of command and the sender ID.
This is a useful tool for testing a system and identifying possible faults.

Backlight minimum brightness “Min LED Lux (%)” (32).

This is the luminous intensity, expressed as a percentage, of the backli-
ghting LEDs of the panel keypad and LCD screen when the panel is in 
standby. The entrance panel reaches the minimum brightness value after 
approximately 10 seconds of inactivity since the last completed action.


Содержание 1282

Страница 1: ...he Video or audio electronic unit with keypad and graphic display for entrance panels 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ABC DEF GHI JKL MNO PQRS TUV WXYZ R ART 1282 ART 1282 P 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ABC DEF GHI JKL MNO PQRS TUV WXYZ R ART 1286 ART 1286 P Manuale installatore Installer guide ...

Страница 2: variazione di questi viene eseguito un controllo di coerenza e nel caso di errore viene generato un messaggio di warning per evidenziare la necessità di regolare i parametri correlati Possibilità di funzionamento a 8 default o 4 DIGIT Possibilità di comporre una targa mista ovvero di aggiungere fino a 31 tasti singoli attraverso i moduli aggiuntivi art 12TS 12TD ad es chia mata diretta alla por...

Страница 3: ...mentazione 3 Morsetto per il segnale fonica verso il montante citofoni monitor 1 Morsetto per il segnale digitale verso il montante citofoni monitor V Morsetto di uscita per segnale video M Morsetto di massa segnale video VL Morsetto alimentazione led illumina zione tasti per moduli supplementari Morsettiera di collegamento OPERAZIONI PRELIMINARI Solo per versioni 1282 P e 1286 P Le unità elettron...

Страница 4: ... 64 32 ON 1 2 16 8 ON 1 2 16 8 ON 1 2 3 128 64 32 ON 1 2 3 128 64 32 ON 1 2 3 16 8 4 ON 1 2 3 128 64 32 ON 1 2 3 16 8 4 ON 1 2 3 128 64 32 ON 1 2 3 16 8 4 ON 1 2 3 128 64 32 ON 1 2 3 16 8 4 ON 1 2 3 128 64 32 ON 1 2 16 8 ON 1 2 16 8 ON 1 2 3 128 64 32 ON 1 2 3 128 64 32 1 3 1 6 Art 12TS o 12TD PROGRAMMAZIONE HARDWARE DEI MODULI PULSANTI SUPPLE MENTARI Eseguire le modifiche con impianto spento ON 1...

Страница 5: ANALYZER fare riferimento all istruzione dell articolo Con la targa spenta collegare l interfaccia art 6952 o 6952 A ai morsetti 1 4 del connettore della targa Se ci sono più targhe connesse in parallelo è possibile programmare la targa lasciandola connessa all impianto se è stato assegnato alla targa un codice parametro codice targa e settando lo stesso valore nel Digibus Address dell An...

Страница 6: ...ica utenti 10 Chiave 0 R1 C 0 1 2 Modalità per l inserimento della chiave per l apertura serratura 0 premere il tasto 0 per poter immettere la chiave 1 premere R ed 1 per immettere la chiave 2 premere il tasto per immettere la chiave 11 Numero digit 4 8 8 Numero di digit utilizzati nella comunicazione digibus È possibile scrivere solo 4 o 8 12 Selez Lingua 0 0 8 Parametro per la selezione della li...

Страница 7: ...impostati siano compatibili con i disposi tivi collegati alle uscite corrispondenti dell alimentatore 29 Abil Finestra Up 0 1 1 Abilita il filtro utente iniziale utente finale anche per i comandi che transitano dal morsetto 1 verso il morsetto 6 della targa 0 No 1 Si 30 Datalogger R9 0 0 1 1 Attiva il datalogger della targa Il datalogger registra il transito dei messaggi sulla linea digibus Per ac...

Страница 8: ...54 Indirizzo Ext 6 0 0 99999999 Indirizzo 6 dispositivo lettura trasponder esterno 55 Indirizzo Ext 7 0 0 99999999 Indirizzo 7 dispositivo lettura trasponder esterno 56 Indirizzo Ext 8 0 0 99999999 Indirizzo 8 dispositivo lettura trasponder esterno 57 Tx Chiave 0 0 3 0 non trasmetto la chiave 1 trasmetto la chiave se è nel database targa 2 trasmetto la chiave se non e nel database della targa 3 tr...

Страница 9: ...n 1 per pulsanti in doppia fila Lo stato di questo parametro fa cambiare l assegnazione del codice hardware ai moduli pulsanti supplementari cifre pre codice 4 p pre codice n nu mero digitato p p p p n n n n Posizione occupata dalle cifre nella composi zione del numero 9 1 1 5 Numero chiamato 9 1 0 0 1 5 Codifica software associazione Hardware software 7 Da uti lizzare solo per versioni 1282 P o 1...

Страница 10: preveda targhe a piè scala complesso edilizio o la presenza del centralino il tempo di attivazione del segnale di chiamata della targa principale deve essere maggiore di 1 secondo rispetto al cor rispettivo tempo impostato sulle targhe a piè scala o sul centralino Negli altri casi il parametro può essere modificato a discrezione dell installatore Nei citofoni in cui la suoneria è generata dal c...

Страница 11: ...ncipale centralino Indirizzo lettore esterno Indirizzo Ext 1 8 49 56 Alla targa si possono collegare fino ad 8 lettori di trasponder tramite il canale digibus montante citofoni morsetto 1 Il codice identificativo dei lettori da cui la targa può ricevere la chiave deve essere programmato in questi parametri Accesso ai parametri nascosti Par nascosti 60 I parametri da 61 a 67 non sono normalmente ac...

Страница 12: ...lizzando i tasti e fino a trovare una chiave libera codice chiave 0 Individuata una chiave libera digitare il codice desiderato e premere per salvare La chiave è memorizzata con i parametri opzionali settati ai valori di default Per modificare una chiave Scorrere la lista delle chiavi fino a quella desiderata Modificare il valore e premere per salvare Scrivendo 0 la chiave viene cancellata La chia...

Страница 13: ...tiva tutti i pulsanti inviando la chiamata con il numero hardware associato al pulsante B se Codifica SW 1 la targa attiva solo i pulsanti che hanno il numero software associato diverso da 0 Ad esempio se il numero software di P1 è 0 quello di P2 è 5 e quello di P3 è 10 la targa attiva solo P2 e P3 ed invia le chiamate con il numero software associato mentre premendo P1 non succede nulla C se Codi...

Страница 14: ... passare al successivo in base al dato modificato Se ad esem pio si modifica l ora digitando un numero maggiore di 2 ad esempio 5 il dato è considerato subito valido e la targa passa al successivo se invece si digita 1 si potrebbe voler scrivere 1 oppure 17 per cui la targa rimane in attesa In questo caso o si digita 01 oppure 1 e si preme il tasto op pure per passare al dato successivo Premendo i...

Страница 15: ...ere più volte il tasto R fino a tornare al menù principale Uso della rubrica Se sono stati memorizzati degli utenti in rubrica è possibile accedervi pre mendo il pulsante oppure il pulsanti e se non sono stati destinati ad altra funzione Premendo il pulsante si accede al menù ricerca della rubrica E pos sibile cercare un utente scorrendo la lista con i tasti e oppure digitando le prime lettere del...

Страница 16: are cor related when they are modified a consistency check is performed and in the event of an error a warning message is generated to indicate that the correlated parameters must be adjusted Option of 8 default or 4 digit operation Possibility of assembling a composite entrance panel by adding up to 31 individual keys via additional modules type 12TS 12TD e g direct call to switchboard or to o...

Страница 17: ...Terminal for voice signal to interphone monitor cable riser 1 Terminal for digital signal to interphone monitor cable riser V Video signal output terminal M Video signal earth terminal VL Key lighting LED power supply terminal for additional modules PRELIMINARY OPERATIONS only for versions 1282 P and 1286 P Electronic units type 1282 P and type 1286 P can be connected to indivi dual push button mo...

Страница 18: ...with push buttons in single rows there are 6 DIP switches while on 12TD series modules with push buttons in double rows there are 5 DIP switches The DIP switches modify the hardware code of the first push button at the top right of the module The other push buttons are numbered consecutively from top to bottom right to left It is important not to overlap the codes of push buttons on the same panel...

Страница 19: ...the same value in the Analyzer Digibus address Otherwise if using Digibus address 0 the entrance panel must be isolated from the rest of the system by disconnecting the digital signal wire which goes from terminal 1 to the inter phone riser and to the other entrance panels THE PANEL SETUP MENUS To access the entrance panel setup menus simultaneously press push but tons R 4 and enter the technical ...

Страница 20: ...etup menus 09 Agenda Key 1 222 9999 Key for accessing the user agenda management menus 10 Key 0 R1 C 0 1 2 Procedure for inserting the key for the door lock release 0 press 0 to enable the key to be entered 1 press R and 1 to enter the key 2 press to enter the key 11 Digit number 4 8 8 Number of digits used in digibus communication The only possible options are 4 or 8 12 Select Language 0 0 8 Para...

Страница 21: ...l 1 to terminal 6 of the entrance panel 0 No 1 Yes 30 Datalogger R9 0 0 1 1 Activates the panel datalogger The datalogger records the transfer of messages over the digibus line To access the datalogger press R 9 WXYZ 31 View debug 0 0 1 1 activates debug messages displayed from the entrance panel 32 Min LCD Lux 0 5 100 Brightness of the LCD keypad backlight LEDs and additional mo dules with the en...

Страница 22: ...base 2 transmits the key if it is not in the entrance panel database 3 always transmits the key 58 Request Passw 0 0 1 1 requests password confirmation from the transponder reading device 59 Tx UP Down 0 1 1 0 transmits the key on interphone cable riser serial line UP 1 transmits the key to the main entrance panel switchboard DOWN 60 Hidden Paras 0 0 50 Typing 27 enables the display and programmin...

Страница 23: ...d if Para 07 SW encoding is active giving priority to the HW SW association Push buttons in double rows Buttons in two rows 6 For P version entrance panels The parameter must be programmed depending on the layout of the push buttons on the modules with 0 for push buttons in sin gle row and 1 for push buttons in double row The status of this parameter changes the hardware code assigned to additiona...

Страница 24: ... be 1 second longer than the corresponding time set on the stairway entrance panels or on the switchboard In other cases the parameter can be modified at the discretion of the installer In interphones in which the ringtone is generated by the interphone itself such as type 6600 or 7200 the duration of the tone is independent of the parameter set on the entrance panel Answer time 25 This is the max...

Страница 25: ...unication and also frees the interphone cable riser to which it is connected Command repetition Command Rep 63 This command enables the forwarding or repetition of certain special commands as shown in the table below default bit 2 7 8 Tx Key Action 0 Doesn t transmit the key 1 Transmits the key if it is present in the entrance panel data base 2 Transmits the key is it is not present in the entranc...

Страница 26: ...m KEYCODES and press To program a key 6FUROO WKH OLVW RI NH V XVLQJ WKH and buttons until you find a free key keycode 0 IWHU LGHQWLI LQJ D IUHH NH HQWHU WKH GHVLUHG FRGH DQG SUHVV to save The key is memorised with the optional parameters set to the default values To modify a key 6FUROO WKH OLVW RI NH V XQWLO RX ILQG WKH ULJKW RQH 0RGLI WKH YDOXH DQG SUHVV to save Entering 0 deletes the key The key...

Страница 27: ...A If SW encoding 0 the entrance panel activates all push buttons sen ding the call with the hardware number associated with the push button B If SW encoding 1 the entrance panel only activates push buttons which have an associated software number different from 0 For example if the software number of P1 is 0 the number of P2 is 5 and the number of P3 is 10 the entrance panel activates only P2 and ...

Страница 28: ...For example if you modify the hour by entering a number greater than 2 for example 5 the value is considered valid immediately and the entrance panel passes to the next one if however you enter 1 you may want to input 1 or 17 therefore the entrance panel waits for another digit to be entered In this case enter either 01 or 1 followed by the or button to pass to the next value Pressing the button p...

Страница 29: ...e agenda press the R button several times until you return to the main menu Using the agenda If users have been stored in the agenda they can be accessed by pressing the button or the and buttons if they have not been assi gned to another function Pressing the button accesses the agenda search menu It is possible to find a user by scrolling the list with the and buttons or by entering the first le...

Страница 30: ...a si028 Ref diagram si028 Sezione mm2 Section mm2 0 12 0 25 0 35 0 50 0 75 1 00 1 50 2 50 4 00 6 00 Diametro Diameter mm 0 40 0 58 0 68 0 80 1 00 1 15 1 40 1 80 2 30 2 80 Diametro in decimi Decimal diameter 4 10 6 10 8 10 10 10 12 10 14 10 18 10 5HVLVWHQ D P 5HVLVWDQFH P 14 00 6 60 4 80 3 50 2 20 1 70 1 14 0 69 0 39 0 28 Conduttori Conductors Ø fino a 50 m Ø up to 50 m Ø fino a 100 m Ø up to 100 m...

Страница 31: ...s phone Art 6204 A1 0 Petrarca series phone Art 62K4 A2 6600 series phone Art 6604 AU 6704 AU A3 8870 series phone Art 887B 887B 1 C0 Audio electronic unit with keypad and display Art 1282 CX Entrance panel DX Entrance panel L Electric lock 12V A C P Additional push button for lock A1 Citofono serie Petrarca Art 6204 A1 0 Citofono serie Petrarca Art 62K4 A2 Citofono serie 6600 Art 6604 AU 6704 AU ...

Страница 32: ...foni Interphone cable riser Rete Mains F2 N3 A1 1 A1 1 A3 1 A3 1 A1 1 Petrarca series phone Art 6201 A3 1 8870 series phone Art 8877 C0 Audio electronic unit with keypad and display Art 1282 CX Entrance panel DX Entrance panel L Electric lock 12V A C N3 Distributor Art 949B P Additional push button for lock A1 1 Citofono serie Petrarca Art 6201 A3 1 Citofono serie 8870 Art 8877 C0 Unità elettronic...

Страница 33: ...ttronica Disconnect the metal jumper located on the side of the terminal block Montante citofoni Interphone cable riser Rete Mains Rete Mains Rete Mains F2 T T Q1 Q1 C0 Audio electronic unit with keypad and display Art 1282 CX Entrance panel F2 Power supply Art 6941 L Electric lock 12V A C P Additional push button for lock T Transformer Art M832 Q1 Relay Art 0170 001 C0 Unità elettronica audio con...

Страница 34: ...fy on the sec ondary entrance panels Par 1 Initial User Par 2 Final User The numbers between initial user and final user of each entrance panel must not be the same as those of an other secondary entrance panel Parameters to modify on the main entrance panel Par 19 Conv Duration The call time of the main entrance panel must be greater than the call time of the secondary panels by at least one seco...

Страница 35: ...nal user of each entrance panel must not be the same as those of an other secondary entrance panel Parameters to modify on the main entrance panel Par 19 Conv Duration The call time of the main entrance panel must be greater than the call time of the secondary panels by at least one second Per la disattivazione del generatore di corrente tagliare il ponticello metal lico J1 posizionato sul retro i...

Страница 36: ...036 N B L ultimo distributore video deve essere caricato con la resistenza da 75 Ohm collegata al morsetto V libero Rif schema si356 00 Ref diagram si0356 00 NOTE The last video distributor must be loaded with a 75 Ohm resistor con nected to free terminal V Montante videocitofoni Monitor cable riser Montante videocitofoni Monitor cable riser All alimentatore Art 6948 To power supply Art 6948 N1 N2...

Страница 37: ...n alternativa allo schema si356 The riser shown must be included in all the video interphone diagrams in this collection this diagram is an alternative to diagram si356 Montante videocitofoni Monitor cable riser Montante videocitofoni Monitor cable riser All alimentatore Art 6948 To power supply Art 6948 N3 N1 N2 B5 1 B2 1 B4 1 B4 1 B4 1 Petrarca series monitor Art 6020 6145 6201 N1 Distributor Ar...

Страница 38: series monitor Art 6023 6204 6145 Art 6023 6204 6145 B5 Giotto series monitor Art 6344 6354 D0 Video electronic unit with keypad and display Art 1286 DX Entrance panel F1 Power supply Art 6948 L Electric lock 12V A C N1 Distributor Art 5555 N2 Distributor Art 5556 004 P Additional push button for lock B1 Videocitofono serie 7200 Art 7214 B2 Videocitofono serie 6600 Art 6614 6714 Art 6624 6724 6...

Страница 39: ...4 1 B4 1 Petrarca series monitor Art 6020 6145 6201 D0 Video electronic unit with keypad and display Art 1286 DX Entrance panel F1 Power supply Art 6948 L Electric lock 12V A C N1 Distributor Art 5555 N2 Distributor Art 5556 004 N3 Distributor Art 949B P Additional push button for lock B4 1 Videocitofono serie Petrarca Art 6020 6145 6201 D0 Unità elettronica video con tastiera e display Art 1286 D...

Страница 40: ... 1 M 5 8 6 4 Rif schema si037 Ref diagram si037 Montante videocitofoni Monitor cable riser Rete Mains Rete Mains Rete Mains F1 F3 T Q1 Q3 Q3 D0 Unità elettronica video con tastiera e display Art 1286 DX Entrance panel F1 Power supply Art 6948 F3 Addictional power supply Art 6942 L Electric lock 12V A C P Additional push button for lock T Transformer Art M832 Q1 Relay Art 0170 001 Q3 Relay Art 0170...

Страница 41: ...ale I numeri compresi tra utente ini ziale e utente finale di ogni targa non devono coincidere con quelli di un altra targa a piè scala Parametri da modificare sulla targa principale Par 24 Durata suono Il tempo di chiamata della targa principale dev essere maggiore del tempo di chiamata delle targhe a piè scala almeno di un secondo Montante Cable riser Montante Cable riser Montante videocitofoni ...

Страница 42: ... modify on the sec ondary entrance panels Par 1 Initial User Par 2 Final User The numbers between initial user and final user of each entrance panel must not be the same as those of an other secondary entrance panel Parameters to modify on the main entrance panel Par 19 Conv Duration The call time of the main entrance panel must be greater than the call time of the secondary panels by at least one...

Страница 43: ...l User The numbers between initial user and final user of each entrance panel must not be the same as those of an other secondary entrance panel Parameters to modify on the main entrance panel Par 19 Conv Duration The call time of the main entrance panel must be greater than the call time of the secondary panels by at least one second Per la disattivazione del generatore di corrente tagliare il po...

Страница 44: ... F2 and activate function F2 AUDIO ENTRY PANEL VARIANTS Connection of auxiliary functions F1 F2 in systems equipped with internal de coding or without internal decoding In some cases enabling the functions requires the addition of supplementary buttons and connections to be made in addition to the basic connections Interphones type 6204 and 6201 are fitted as standard with only the lock release bu...

Страница 45: ... 6704 AU A3 8870 series phone Art 887B 887B 1 A3 1 8870 series phone Art 8877 B1 7200 series monitor Art 7214 B2 6600 series monitor Art 6614 6714 Art 6624 6724 662D B4 Petrarca series monitor Art 6023 6204 6145 Art 6023 6204 6145 B4 1 Petrarca series monitor Art 6020 6145 6201 B5 Giotto series monitor Art 6344 6354 C Audio electronic unit with push buttons Art 1283 CX Entrance panel D Video elect...

Страница 46: ... V2 I SR V1 VL F1 4 F2 CH V 3 1 M 5 8 6 4 1 3 5 4 CH SR I V SR CH 4 5 3 1 E4 J1 L D M1 V2 I SR V1 VL F1 4 F2 CH V 3 1 M 5 8 6 4 J1 L C M1 V2 I SR V1 VL F1 4 F2 CH V 3 1 M 5 8 6 4 E4 E4 E4 PRI D B A C U I E4 E4 E4 E4 PRI D B A C U I To other modules Agli altri moduli To other modules Agli altri moduli DX DX DX DX The additional power supply type 6582 is used to power the LEDs for the name tags ligh...

Страница 47: ...nel paese dove i prodotti sono installati INSTALLATION RULES Installation should be carried out observing current installation regulations for electrical systems in the country where the products are installed Il prodotto è conforme alla direttiva europea 2004 108 CE e suc cessive Product is according to EC Directive 2004 108 EC and following norms INFORMATION FOR USERS UNDER DIRECTIVE 2002 96 WEE...

Страница 48: ...Vimar SpA Viale Vicenza 14 36063 Marostica VI Italy Tel 39 0424 488 600 Fax Italia 0424 488 188 Fax Export 0424 488 709 www vimar com 49400619A0 00 1311 VIMAR Marostica Italy ...
