WEP-2L. User manual
5.6 The «VAP» menu
In the
menu, you can configure virtual Wi-Fi access points (VAP).
5.6.1 The «Summary» submenu
submenu displays the settings of all VAPs on Radio 2.4 GHz and Radio 5 GHz radio interfaces.
You can see the settings of each virtual access point in sections VAP0..3.
– the sequence number of the virtual access point;
– when checked, the virtual access point is enabled, otherwise it is disabled;
Security Mode
– the type of data encryption used on the virtual access point;
– VLAN number from which the tag will be removed when transmitting Wi-Fi traffic to clients
connected to this VAP. When traffic flows in the opposite direction, untagged traffic from clients will be
tagged with VLAN ID (when VLAN Trunk mode is disabled);
– virtual wireless network name;
Broadcast SSID
– when checked, SSID broadcasting is on, otherwise it is disabled;
VLAN Trunk
– when the flag is set, tagged traffic is transmitted to the subscriber;
General Mode
– when the flag is set, transmission of untagged traffic jointly with tagged traffic is allowed
(available when Trunk VLAN mode is enabled);
General VLAN ID
– a tag will be removed from the specified VLAN ID and the traffic of this VLAN will pass to
the client without a tag. When traffic passes in the opposite direction, untagged traffic will be tagged with
General VLAN ID;
Station Isolation
– when checked, traffic isolation between clients in the same VAP is enabled.
To apply a new configuration and save setting to non-volatile memory, press «Apply». Press «Cancel» to discard
the changes.