WEP-2L. User manual
Data 2 (Best Effort)
– middle priority queue, middle bandwidth and delay; Most of the traditional
IP data is sent to this queue (802.1p: cs0, cs3 priorities);
Data 1 (Video)
– high priority queue, minimal delay. In this queue, time-sensitive video data is
automatically processed (802.1p: cs4, cs5 priorities);
Data 0 (Voice)
– high priority queue, minimal delay. In this queue, time sensitive data is
automatically processed, such as: VoIP, streaming video (802.1p: cs6, cs7 priorities).
– Arbitration Inter-Frame Spacing, defines the waiting time of data frames, measured in slots,
takes values (1-255);
– the initial timeout value before resending a frame, specified in milliseconds, takes the values
1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, 255, 511, 1023. The value of cwMin cannot exceed the value of cwMax;
– the maximum timeout value before resending a frame, specified in milliseconds, takes the
values 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, 255, 511, 1023. The value of cwMax must exceed the value of cwMin;
TXOP Limit
– this parameter is used only for data transmitted from the client station to the access
point. The transmission capability is the time interval, in milliseconds, when the client WME station
has the rights to initiate data transmission over the wireless medium to the access point, the
maximum value is 65535 milliseconds;
Station EDCA parameters
– table of client station parameter settings (traffic is transmitted from the client
station to the access point). For description of table fields, see above.
To apply a new configuration and save setting to non-volatile memory, press «Apply». Press «Cancel» to discard
the changes.
5.5.2 The «Radio 5 GHz» submenu
In the
«Radio 5 GHz»
submenu you can configure the main parameters of the radio interface of the device
operating in the 5 GHz band.
– select interface operation mode:
IEEE 802.11a;
IEEE 802.11a/n;
IEEE 802.11a/n/ac.
Auto Channel –
when checked, the device will automatically select the least loaded radio channel for the Wi-
Fi interface. Removing the flag opens the access to install the static operation channel;