INSTRUCTION for the Pocket Wi-fi(GP02-rev)
1.Charge Battery
a) From wall socket(outlet).
Full charge takes 4 hours
b) From PC(USB)
Full charge takes 6 hours
2.Power On/Off
Power on
Push Power button 5sec to turn
on the device. The device will
automatically connect to 3G
Power off
Push Power button 5sec to turn off.
Saving mode
The pocket WiFi will automatically switch to energy
saving mode if not used for around 10minutes press the
power button for 1sec. to turn it back on.
3. Set up Wi-Fi for Laptop or iPhone/iPad
For Laptop
- Select Control Panel from “Start Menu”
- Select “Network and Sharing Center”, then click Connect
to Network.
-Select SSID “GP02-xxxx” or back of the pocket wifi then
click connect.
-Type in WEP key. Your WEP key is on the back of
Pocket Wi-Fi device. Then save.
For iPhone/iPad
- Select Settings icon and General, then touch ”Network”
and Wi-Fi.
-Select SSID “GP02-xxxx” or back of the pocket wifi then
click connect.
-Type in WEP key. Your WEP key is on the back
Pocket Wi-Fi device. Then save.