VP-12, VP-12P IP phones. Operation manual
Max Hits
– the parameter indicating the maximum amount of search results that will be returned by
LDAP server.
Name Attributes
– the parameter that indicates the name attribute of each record returned by the LDAP
Number Attributes
— the parameter that indicates the number attribute of each record returned by the
LDAP server.
Display Name Attributes
— the parameter that indicates the display name attribute of each record
returned by the LDAP server.
Name Filter
— the filter used to lookup for the names
“*” character in the filter indicates any
character. The "%" character in the filter indicates the input string used as the filter condition prefix.
Number Filter
— the filter used to lookup for the number. The “*” character in the filter indicates any
character. The "%" character in the filter indicates the input string used as the filter condition prefix
Lookup For Incoming Call
– lookup for a name using a number during incoming calls.
Too big ‘Hit limit’ value reduces the LDAP search rate, that is why the parameter is to be
configured according to the available bandwidth.
To apply a new configuration and store settings into the non-volatile memory, click
To discard changes, click