VoIP subscriber gateways
outgoing call, and REGISTER message when performing registration attempt. If on expiration
'Invite total timeout'
there is no response from the main SIP-proxy or response 408 or 503
is received, the gateway sends INVITE (or REGISTER) message to the first redundant SIP-proxy
address. If it is not available, the request is forwarded to the next redundant SIP-proxy and so
forth. When available redundant SIP-proxy if found, registration will be renewed on that SIP-
Next, the following actions will be available depending on the selected redundancy mode:
In the 'parking' mode, the main SIP-proxy management is absent, and the gateway will
continue operation with the redundant SIP-proxy even when the main proxy operation
is restored. If the connection to the current SIP-proxy is lost, querying of the subsequent
SIP-proxies will be continued using the algorithm described above. If the last redundant
SIP-proxy is not available, the querying will continue in a cycle, beginning from the main
In the 'homing' mode, three types of the main SIP-proxy management are available:
periodic transmission of OPTIONS messages to its address, periodic transmission of
REGISTER messages to its address, or transmission of INVITE request when performing
outgoing call. First of all, INVITE request is sent to the main SIP-proxy, and if it is
unavailable, then to the next redundant one, etc. Regardless of the management type,
when the main SIP-proxy operation is restored, gateway will use it to renew its
registration. The gateway will begin operation with the main SIP-proxy.
Proxy Address (:port)
network address of a SIP server—device that manages access to provider's
phone network for all subscribers. You may specify IP address as well as the domain name (specify
SIP server UDP port after the colon, default value is 5060;
– when checked, register ports that utilize this profile on registration server;
Registrar address (:port)
network address of a device that is used for registration of all phone
network subscribers in order to provide them with the communication services (specify
registration server UDP port after the colon, default value is 5060). You may specify IP address as
well as the domain name. As a rule, registration server is physically co-located with SIP proxy
server (they have the same address);