905U-G Wireless Gateway
User Manual
Page 155
©September 2004
may be present in the system, allowing different users to access different files and
The file format is the same as for the ‘ad_pswd.cfg’ and ‘sys_pswd.cfg’ files, except
that the optional parameter ‘AuthName’ can be added. The value of this parameter
will be presented in the login window. If it is not given, the requested file/pathname
will be presented instead.
File format:
(Message goes here)
The contents of this file can be redirected by placing the line ‘[File path]’ on the first
row, followed by a list of password files.
[File path]
If any errors in the format of these files are detected the user/password protection will
be ignored
It is possible to configure which IP addresses and what protocols that are allowed to
connect to the module. This information is stored in the file ‘\ip_accs.cfg’. The file
contains one or several of the headers below.
Under each header the allowed IP addresses are written. The wildcard ‘*’ can be used
to allow series of IP addresses. If a protocol header is not given, the system will use
the configuration set below the header ‘All’. If the ‘All’ header is not given, the
protocol will not accept any connections.
The above example will allow all IP addresses beginning with 10.10.12 to access all
protocols in the module. Adresses beginning with 10.10.13 will be able to access the
web server, but not the FTP and Telnet servers. The Modbus/TCP and Ethernet/IP
servers will accept connections from any IP address.