From posing a question to close the question
Pose a question using the Document camera or your computer screen. Then open Testing by
selecting the Start Testing button in the SRS control panel or one of “[2]
[6],[T/F]” buttons in
the Response Sub Buttons.
The entire process from starting Image Mate Accent for SRS to finishing it is called “session” and the
results of each session are saved.
Pose a question.
Pose a question using the Document camera or your computer screen.
You can use the annotation function when the system is not in the “Testing is Open” status.
Open Testing to receive responses from clickers.
When “Start Testing” button is selected, Testing starts with current question type. (Default
setting: 3-choice question).
The question type can be changed using the Response buttons ([2]
[6],[T/F]) before
pressing the “Start Testing” button.
E.g.) When [3]
is selected, the question type becomes 3-choice question and the
color of [1] – [3] buttons turns to red.
The color of the SRS control panel turns to green when Testing is started.
The question type remains the same until SRS is finished. The setting becomes the default of the
question when starting SRS can be changed from
Image Mate Accent for SRS Configurations
N o t e
N o t e
N o t e
(When the Countdown Timer is used)