M1XSLZW Instruction Manual
Page 17
M1 TEXT String
M1XSLZW and VRCOP-1LW (vizia rf+3) Command Use
(See section 6.6 for information on creating and sending Text Strings)
Manually activates Discovery Mode in the M1XSLZW. Discove
ry Mode normally activates ONLY when the M1XSLZW is
powered up. This Text can be used to activate Discovery Mode without having to power down the M1XSLZW.
Thermostat “
– Some Z-Wave Thermostats do not broadcast their data back to the serial interface. And if no data is
available, the M1 will display “Not Enabled” on the Thermostat display. Text string
tells the M1XSLZW to
periodically poll all Z-Wave Thermostats every 15 seconds. An M1 Rule is needed to send the Text String.
E.G. WHENEVER System Start Up THEN send text
. DO NOT use the polling if not absolutely necessary as it
does create excessive traffic.
Text string
informs the M1XSLZW to stop the timed polling of Thermostats (if enabled). If timed polling is not
required or accidentally activated this Text string will disable it.
Received ONLY Strings (M1XSLZW to the M1)
Text string
will be sent by the M1XSLZW to the M1 if loss of the VRC0P-1LW (vizia rf+3) is detected. In order to
cause any action I.E. A trouble indicator, relay activations, etc. then a rule would have to be written that would receive this
string and process it.
E.G. WHENEVER Text (ASCII) String is Received on Port _, THEN do something {Turn On an Output, etc}.
Text string
will be sent by the M1XSLZW to the M1 upon a loss and subsequent restoral of the VRC0P-1LW (vizia
rf+3) is detected. In order for M1 to process this information an ElkRP Rule will be needed.
E.G. WHENEVER Text (ASCII) String is Received on Port _, THEN do something {Turn Off an Output, etc}.