Setting Datum
When pressed together, immediately sets the pre-programmed datum position to the
This is only possible if the configuration register is set to
( XXXX0 )
(See user adjustments, for random setting of Datum).
Display Extinguish - 56 series (for battery life saving)
The counter and/or display may be extinguished in a number of ways.
The method required must be chosen in the config register.
User Adjustments
Edit Datum and Datum Offset
It is only possible for the operator to edit the Datum and Datum Offset, if the editing feature is unlocked
in the configuration register.
( XXX0X )
NB The Datum and Offset values incorporate any decimal places set in the configuration ( See later )
Edit Datum programmed value
Press both buttons for three seconds, allows the editing of the datum value. Range
( 00000 to + 99999)
Setting display to any value
Instead of having a fixed datum, the display can be set to any value desired and count from there. This
is made possible by setting the Config register to XXX01.
Press both buttons for three seconds, any value may now be set in the normal way.