S0 charger
QF power-off switch
Procedure B
B-1 Inspect Electric Wires
The maintenance of electric wires is of great
important to normal and safe operation of the machine.
It might lead to unsafe operations or serious injuries if
the blown, bruised, corroded or broken wires have not
been found and replaced timely.
Touching live conductor
might lead to death or
serious injuries. Take down all ear rings, wrist watch
and other jewelries.
Inspect whether there are burned, bruised,
corroded or loose wires in the following areas:
Battery harness
Charger harness
Wiring harness of scissor arm
Power unit harness
Ground controller junction box
Platform controller junction box
Inspect the flexile joints, and confirm that the
joints have not become loosened and the sensor
lines have not been damaged.
B-2 Inspect Rim and Tire (Including Mounting
Good maintenance of rims and tires is great
importance to the safety. The machine might tip over
if the rim or the tire has problems. The components
might be damaged if the problems have not been
found and repaired timely.
The machine is equipped with solid tires which do not
need to be inflated.
Inspect whether there are cuts, cracks, puncture
or abnormal wear patterns on all tires.
Inspect and confirm that all rims are free from
damage, buckling deformation and welding
12V Battery
Maintenance Manual