The XG3 Utility program for your computer. It may be downloaded free from
Launch the XG3 Utility Program:
A computer with an RS232 port or a USB port, depending upon which computer interface
cable you ordered with the XG3. See
on page 4 for information about the
interface cables.
Launch the XG3 utility program and turn the XG3 on.
Click on the utility program
tab and select the active port. Confirm that the computer is
communicating with the XG3 by clicking on
. A pop-up window
should open reporting the XG3 firmware version if you have selected the correct serial port and
the cables are properly connected.
Operating and Programming Your XG3
Click on the utility program
tab. All of the frequencies shown on this page are in MHz
and the least significant digit shown is Hz.
shows the current frequency reported by the XG3.
To the right is
. This is the amount by which the XG3’s frequency will be moved if you
click the up and down arrows next to the
window. You can edit this
value as desired.
You can change the frequency to any value from 1.500000 MHz to 1400.000000 MHz by entering
it in the
window and then pressing Enter on your computer keyboard to
transfer the frequency data to the XG3. You don’t need to enter all the zeros, just the significant
places. The utility program fills in the remaining zeros when you leave that window.
If the utility program stops allowing you to make changes, check the XG3. It
turns off automatically after a period of time (the default is 10 minutes) unless one
of its front panel switches has been pressed. If needed, simply turn the XG3 on
again to continue.
In the
Frequency Memories
area, clicking on the button next to a band will transfer the frequency
shown on the button to the XG3.
Click on
to change the frequency associated with each band. An
Edit Memory Frequencies
window will open. Type in the desired frequency for each band. You can enter any frequency
between 1.500000 and 1400.00000 MHz for
band position. That is, you can assign
900.000000 MHz to the 80 meter band if you wish. The band wavelength numbers (e.g. 160, 80,
60, 40, etc.) are there to help you remember which frequency is associated with each position
when you use the XG3 without the computer.
Click on
to accept the new frequencies you have assigned to the band locations. Click on
All to Factory Default
to return them to the default frequencies.